
Displaying 7211 - 7220 of 14477

E. Namey, S. Zissette, W. Okello, D. Onena, L. Laumann - FHI 360, ASPIRES, USAID, AVSI, and ChildFund International,

This poster presents the findings of an assessment of two Family Care projects in Uganda that implemented savings groups as part of integrated family and economic strengthening interventions with families at-risk of a child separating.

Ayesha Kadir, Sherry Shenoda, Jeffrey Goldhagen, Shelly Pitterman - American Academy of Pediatrics,

In this Technical Report, the authors review the available knowledge on the effects of armed conflict on children and support the recommendations in the accompanying Policy Statement on children and armed conflict.

Freyana Irani, Amy Lamoin & Krista Lee-Jones - Australian Child Rights Taskforce, UNICEF Australia,

This report presents the findings from a national consultation with children and young people, conducted by UNICEF Australia.

UNICEF Australia,

This media release from UNICEF Australia highlights the findings of a report containing the voices of children and youth in Australia which shows the ways in which the country is and is not meeting its committments to the Convention of the Rights of the Child.

Shambhu, Dayal Sharma; Rajesh, Sasidharan K.; Subramanya, P. - Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research,

The aim of this study was to examine associations between mindfulness and psychological factors (i.e., depression, cognitive function, positive emotion, and negative emotion) among adolescent orphans in children's care homes in India.

Asta Rau - Qualitative Sociology Review,

This article examines the findings of a mixed-method implementation-evaluation of a local non-governmental organization's Orphans and Vulnerable Children program.

Rachel Springford - Huffington Post,

In this blog post from the Huffington Post, Rachel Springford writes about her experience in care and the difficulties care leavers face in transitioning to adulthood and accessing opportunities such as studying at university.

Rachel Hall - The Guardian,

The UK government has announced a new care leaver covenant, designed to support care leavers in the transition to independent adulthood, according to this article from the Guardian.

Nicola Atwool - Children Australia,

The question in the title is addressed by exploring the challenges inherent in providing care for children who are unable to live with their birth families.

Barbara Torres‐Gomez, Itziar Alonso‐Arbiol, Miriam Gallarin - Journal of Research on Adolescence,

This study examined adopted adolescents’ levels of attachment security to parents and aggressiveness as compared to those of community nonadopted adolescents and of clinical nonadopted adolescents.