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Le bureau de l’UNICEF au Maroc lance un appel à consultation internationale pour fournir une assistance technique pour la mise en œuvre de pilotes visant le renforcement de la qualité de la protection de remplacement au Maroc incluant le développement de modèles nationaux et le renforcement de capacités de travailleurs sociaux.

David Brodzinsky, Susan Livingston Smith - Research on Social Work Practice,

This commentary from the Special Issue on Adoption Breakdown of the journal of Research on Social Work Practice highlights the authors’ conceptual and empirical contributions for understanding the incidence and dynamics of varying types of adoption breakdowns and their impact on adopted youth and their families.

AM Joy - NBC News,

This video clip from an NBC News segment in the US discusses what is next for "the over 2,000 children still held by the Department of Health and Human Services," detained at the US border with Mexico.

European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM),

By commissioning a progress evaluation, European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM) would like to assess the progress made towards achieving outcomes and impact of the Thematic Fund across the various interventions of its Thematic Fund, in the period 2016-2018.

Child Trends and the National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families,

This joint publication from Child Trends and the National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families calls attention to the critical need to support immigrant families in the US who have been negatively affected by the trauma of separation, and who will likely continue to experience considerable adversity in the future, even if reunited with their loved ones.

Destination Unknown,

In a recent statement, Destination Unknown, a network of over 100 organisations worldwide, coordinated by Terre des Hommes, has expressed its concern regarding the family separations currently imposed at the US border with Mexico "and the traumatic and detrimental effect it is having on children."

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Matthew L Kolken - The Guardian,

According to this opinion piece from the Guardian - written by Matthew L Kolken, an immigration lawyer and an elected member of the Board of Governors of the American Immigration Lawyers Association -  the US federal government has contracted the defense industry to provide childcare to children who have been separated from their parents as they've crossed over the border into the US from Mexico.

Sarah A. Font, Kierra M.P. Sattler, Elizabeth T. Gershoff - Children and Youth Services Review,

In this study, the authors used a two-year Texas foster care entry cohort to examine the extent to which children experience “progress moves”, such as moving to a sibling placement or to live with a relative, versus non-progress moves, such as moving due to risk of abuse.

Elevate Children Funders Group,

The Elevate Children Funders Group has issued a statement calling for an end to "policies which harm children in the name of national security."