
Displaying 8111 - 8120 of 14477

Moïra Mikolajczak, Maria Elena Brianda, Hervé Avalosse, Isabelle Roskam - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study aims to facilitate further identification of the consequences of parental burnout for the parents themselves, their spouses and their child(ren).

Jason Mclure - Global Journalist,

This video from the Global Journalist takes a "a look at the debate around institutional child care in developing countries and what might be perpetuating the problem of overseas orphanage scams."


UNICEF is seeking an International Consultant to provide technical support to the Child Protection (social norms) programme in Sudan for five months.

SOS Children’s Villages and Deutsche Post DHL,

SOS Children’s Villages and Deutsche Post DHL are organizing an event hosted by the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN entitled “DECENT EMPLOYMENT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AT RISK: MULTI-STAKEHOLDER PARTNERSHIPS TO LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND.


UNICEF is seeking a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist in Ethiopia.

The signatories of this open letter (including SOS Children's Villages, Better Care Network, and other partners) seek your support in calling for the 2019 United Nations General Assembly resolution on the Rights of the Child to focus on children without parental care

Greg Brosnan, Sara Al Wajih and Mandeep Rai - BBC News,

This video tells the story of Rani Hong, born in Kerala, India, who was kidnapped from her family, sold into slavery, and then sold into adoption.


The following report summarizes how UNICEF and its partners have utilized Communication for Development strategies in their work during the period of UNICEF’s Strategic Plan 2014-2017, with an emphasis on 2017.

State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services,

This document outlines the partnership between the Victorian Government, Victorian Aboriginal communities and the child and family services sector.

Mariana Incarnato y Andrés Segade - DONCEL,

El presente artículo busca describir brevemente las trayectorias de los adolescentes y jóvenes en su transición del sistema de cuidados alternativos a la vida adulta en América Latina.