
Displaying 8301 - 8310 of 14477

Chris Chang - 1 News,

A New Zealand-based volunteer tourism company, International Volunteer HQ, will begin phasing out volunteer placements in overseas orphanages due to concerns of child exploitation, according to this article and accompanying video from 1 News. 

Plan International, Save the Children and World Vision International,

This report presents the results of a consultation - organised by Plan International, Save the Children and World Vision International - which surveyed children in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh from refugee communities (who identify themselves as Rohingya) and children from host communities. 

Rebecca R. Seltzer, Erin P. Williams, Pamela K. Donohue, Renee D. Boss - Children and Youth Services Review,

The authors of this study sought to better understand the potential strengths and challenges of medical foster care (MFC) as a placement setting for children with chronic critical illness (CCI).

Cyprian Misinde - Child Indicators Research,

In this study Child Living Conditions which take on many dimensions are computed using the intrinsic value approach. The authors tested the hypothesis that the average living conditions of orphans were less than the average living conditions of non-orphans in Uganda in 2011.

Bryn King, Barbara Fallon, Joanne Filippelli, Tara Black, Carolyn O'Connor - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study uses data from the provincially representative Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (OIS-2013) to identify the characteristics of the alleged maltreatment, functioning concerns, caregiver risk factors, and socioeconomic conditions associated with the decision to provide ongoing child welfare services to adolescents and their families.

Rachel Breman, Ann MacRae, and Dave Vicary - Children Australia,

This paper presents findings from research with 101 kinship carers to gain a better understanding of how family violence was impacting on children and families in kinship care in Victoria, Australia.


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist in Nepal. 

Kari Vik (KV), Vickfarajaeli Zebedayo Daudi (VZD), Lusajo Joel Kajula (LJK), Rolf Rohde (RR), Omary Said Ubuguyu (OSU), Joseph Ndukusi Saibulu (JNS) - Infancy and Caring,

This paper aims at describing how caregivers at an institution for motherless infants in rural Tanzania perceive infancy, caring and sensitivity in their everyday context.

Merav Jedwab, Anusha Chatterjee, Terry V. Shaw - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study presents findings from a survey of child welfare caseworkers' experiences with reunifications and focuses on practices and key factors at the casework practice and at the system-environment level to assist in achieving successful reunification.

Armeda Stevenson Wojciak, Bryan P. Range, Dumayi M. Gutierrez, Nathan A. Hough, Casey M. Gamboni - Journal of Family Issues,

This study analyzes semistructured interviews of 15 foster parents on how foster parents perceive the sibling relationships of youth in foster care and ways to promote these relationships.