
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 15.33 million
  • Population under 15: 32%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 72 years
  • Human Development Index: 143 out of 188
  • World Bank Status: Low income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 0.6%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.6 members
  • Female-Headed Households: 27%
  • Early Marriage (% of children married by 18 years): 19%

Sources: World Bank, UNICEF,UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2014

Displaying 6961 - 6970 of 14392

Maurice Eisenbruch - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This article examines how Cambodians view the causes and effects of child abuse and analyses its underlying cultural forces.

E. L. L. Strijbosch, I. B. Wissink, G. H. P. van der Helm, G. J. J. M. Stams - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study describes how two youth care organizations in the Netherlands implemented group climate monitoring instruments for children as part of the broader ‘You Matter!’ project, and aims to answer the question how these monitoring instruments can help to improve group climate when routinely embedded in daily care.

BBC Radio 5 Live,

In this video from the BBC, Lemn Sissay (writer and careleaver) tells BBC Radio 5 Live about the impact that growing up in care has had on his adult life.

Youngmi Kim, Eunsu Ju, Rachel Rosenberg, Betsy Farmer - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study aims to test Independent Living Services (ILS)'s effects on educational attainment and employment of foster care youth.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

Presenters of this webinar will share background on the history of tthe South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP), its role and composition.

Eva Ruth Moravec & Ginger Thompson - ProPublica,

This article from ProPublica shares the story of Wilder Hilario Maldonado Cabrera, a six year-old boy from Honduras who had to appear in US immigration court alone and unrepresented following his separation from his father upon entering the US along the border with Mexico in June 2018.

Erica Newman - AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples,

This article investigates the colonialist definitions of the terms “orphan” and “adoption”, contrasting them with how the traditional practice of child circulation in Fiji cared for orphaned children.

John SG, Brandt TW, Secrist ME, Mesman GR, Sigel BA, Kramer TL - Psychol Serv,

This article provides an overview of complex trauma and its effects, with a focus on attachment concerns.

Angela Look - Journal of Humanistic Psychology,

In this article, the author provides a synopsis of some current statistics about foster care and the experience of the foster care system in the US and offers an overview of a handful of relevant grief theories and expend a call to those within the field to develop more unique grief theories and interventions for children in the foster care system.

Hugh Montgomery - iNews,

Lemn Sissay, a poet and playwright who grew up in care in the UK, hosts a documentary in which he "takes seven children who are in the charge of Coventry Council under his wing, firing them up to write about their experiences."