
Displaying 10181 - 10190 of 14401

Elisabeth Ballús, Carles Pérez-Téstor,

This study attempts to understand the feelings and bonds of the often complex life situations of being an internationally adopted child.

Bill Ong Hing,

Bill Ong Hing shares his experiences on running a law school deportation clinic in California. 

Morningstar - Canada Newswire,

Black youth in Canada speak up against systematic racism in the care system.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Daily Times,

This article from the Daily Times reports that Child Protection and Welfare Bureau (CPWB) during its "anti-begging crackdown," raided several areas in Lahore and took approximately 25 children into custody.

Arab Today,

Arab Today reports over 20,000 unaccompanied minors have crossed the sea to Italy.

Save the Children,

According to this press release from Save the Children, thousands of families are fleeing to dirty overcrowded refugee camps in Syria.  

Inter-Agency Coordination - Lebanon,

The quarterly dashboard summarizes the progress made by partners involved in the Lebanon Crisis Response and highlights trends a!ecting people in need.

EIN Presswire,

Kenya launches its first police unit dedicated to the fight against child sexual exploitation and abuse.


This article from Citifmonline reports that persons seeking to adopt children in Ghana will soon be required resort to the High Courts for clearance.