
Displaying 9061 - 9070 of 14396


ISPCAN is hosting its 15th annual European Regional Conference in the Netherlands 1-4 October, 2017.

Frances Gardner - UNICEF,

This brief summarizes recent findings from two global, systematic reviews on the effectiveness of parenting interventions. 

The Lancet,

This editorial by The Lancet draws connections between early childhood development, education and childhood violence, illustrating the need for early and cross-sectoral investments in children. 

Vanessa Thorpe - The Guardian,

The charity Barnardo's has released its archive of photos and testimonials from black children and teenagers taken into the organization's residential homes up to 120 years ago.

Gillian Huebner Consultant, Elevate Children Funders Group,

This document sheds some light on where funding discussions currently stand with regard to U.S. government programs for global children and youth issues. 

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance is collecting stories from practitioners with experience working with families impacted by violence. 

Roderick A. Rose and Paul Lanier - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

This exploratory study used cross-sector administrative records linked across multiple systems, including child welfare records and Medicaid claims, from a single state in the U.S. over a five-year period, to investigate the factors that predict entry into psychiatric residential treatment facilities for children. 

ACCI Missions & Relief,

This animated video from ACCI Missions & Relief explains how short-term missions in orphanages are harmful to children, why volunteers should avoid volunteering in orphanages overseas, and what kind of programs should be supported instead. 

BBC World Service ,

Claudio Yanez tells his story about growing up without a family in Chile's public care system. 

UNICEF Bangladesh,

UNICEF Bangladesh is requesting proposals for the development National Adolescent Strategy (NAS) and mapping of the Child Protection System in Bangladesh.