French Guiana

Displaying 13721 - 13730 of 14477


Outlines how to strengthen social protection, legal protection, and alternative care for children at country level. Contains specific actions that governments and NGO's can take to decrease the vulnerability of children affected by AIDS and respond to instances of abuse, exploitation and neglect.

Guidelines for the minimum standards for residential childcare institutions in Armenia, including how the child should be received, cared for, and the arrangements for the child leaving the institution.

UNICEF Vietnam ,

Overview of institutional and alternative care for Children in Need of Special Protection in Vietnam

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a human rights treaty establishing rights of persons with disabilities.

Paul Bolton et al. ,

Studies the efficacy of Group Interpersonal Therapy for severe depression in HIV-affected communities.

IRIN News,

"According to the first stage of our research, there is no significant difference between children, based on their orphan status," Quinlan said. Orphaned children are doing as well in school and engaging in the same level of risk behavior as their non-orphaned counterparts.

Human Rights Watch,

For street children in Hanoi, Vietnam is falling far short of its obligations under Vietnamese and international law, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Par la présente observation générale, le Comité des Droits de l'Enfant souhaite encourager les États parties à reconnaître que les jeunes enfants jouissent de tous les droits garantis par la Convention et que la petite enfance est une période déterminante pour la réalisation de ces droits. Il aborde notamment la question des responsabilites parentales et des aides accordees par les Etats parties.

This page describes the process of getting the guidelines adopted by the UN continues.

Leslie M. Snider, UNICEF,

This document discusses the work contributing to the area of psychosocial measurement with regard to HIV/AIDS and provides samples of surveys that can be used in measurement.