French Guiana

Displaying 3551 - 3560 of 14435

Aino Suomi, Nina Lucas, Morag McArthur, Cathy Humphreys, Timothy Dobbins, Stephanie Taplin - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The aim of this cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) was to test the effectiveness of a contact intervention for parents having supervised contact with children in long-term OOHC.

Benjamin Strahl, Adrian Du Plessis van Breda, Varda Mann-Feder and Wolfgang Schröer - Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy,

This paper maps multinational policy and legislation and its impact on the services to careleavers and the challenges they experience.

Patrick Costello -,

"There has been slow but consistent growth in private foster care placements [in Ireland] and an increase in the number of companies in this market," writes Patrick Costello in this opinion piece for "While these companies plug a gap in services, a gap that can leave children at risk, ultimately they lead to negative outcomes across the system," Costello argues.

Alexandra Ellerbeck - The Nation,

“If the government takes a kid out of their family, we make a commitment to that child that their life will be better because of the government interaction,” said James McIntyre - who "spent 17 years in the custody of the Illinois Department of Family services" - as quoted in this article from the Nation.

Mary Papenfuss - Huffington Post,

"Trump administration officials ejected nearly 9,000 unaccompanied migrant children from the U.S. without court hearings — taking no precautions to protect them from traffickers," according to this article from the Huffington Post.

Andrew Bomford - BBC News,

This article from BBC News tells the story of Emily, a young woman whose 9 children were removed from her care, and the journey to ensuring that her 10th child remained in her care after she gave birth.

Xiaohong Jin, Wei Chen, Ivan Y. Sun, Lin Liu - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The primary objective of this study is to test the effects of family, school and background characteristics on left-behind children’s (LBC) and non-left-behind children’s (NLBC) physical health, school performance, and delinquent behavior.

Camilo Montoya-Galvez - CBS News,

"At least 8,800 migrant children who arrived at the southern border without their parents have been swiftly expelled from the country and denied U.S. refuge during the pandemic under an emergency policy," according to this article from CBS News.

Catherine Hess - National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP),

This report explores how states can leverage federal and state policy tools to improve options for CMC in or at risk of foster care placement.

Brianne H. Kothari, Jennifer Blakeslee, Rebecca Miller - Children and Youth Services Review,

This scoping review was conducted to synthesize the state of the science on proximal, modifiable individual and interpersonal factors that are associated with psychosocial well-being among adolescent youth in foster care.