
Displaying 851 - 860 of 14428

The Asociación de Familias de Acogida de Chile (AFAC),

The Asociación de Familias de Acogida de Chile (AFAC, invites you to their third online internatio

Shamra Boel-Studt, Taylor Dowdy-Hazlett ,

This U.S.-based study explored youth experiences in residential care at different stages of adolescence.

Enid Pitsoane, Fhatuwani Makahane,

This study explores the resilience of childcare workers in South Africa in managing the well-being of vulnerable orphans during COVID-19.

Taylor Dowdy-Hazlett, Shelby L. Clark ,

This mixed-methods study included foster parents in six mid-Southwestern states in the U.S. foster parents serve a critical role in the child welfare system; however, many report being dissatisfied with their role. As such, dissatisfied foster parents are at risk of disruption and turnover, ultimately resulting in placement moves for youth in care. Placement moves have negative impacts on youth well-being, prompting a need to explore issues related to placement longevity related to foster parent satisfaction.

Benjamin Harrap, Alison Gibberd, Melissa O'Donnell, Koen Simons, Jocelyn Jones, Fernando Lima, Daniel McAullay, Kathleen Falster, Emily Banks, Sandra Eades,

The authors of this study aimed to provide more recent evidence on the population-level cumulative incidence of contacts for Aboriginal children with child protective services in Western Australia.

Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

The objective of this webinar was to present the best practices learnt in the implementation of the foster care system as an alternative to limited child care institutions for children on the move in The Gambia.

Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2023),

The Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023 focussed on action to help Ukraine build back better, greener and as a more resilient and prosperous European nation. In particular, URC 2023 aimed to generate greater momentum on the role of the private sector – and the reforms required to drive investment – as essential elements for Ukraine’s long-term recovery.

Changing the Way We Care,

The International Conference on Financing for Better Care

Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

The objective of this webinar is to present the best practices learnt in the implementation of the foster care system as an alternative to limited child care institutions for children on the move in The Gambia.

Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC),

On 21-22 June 2023, the UK jointly with Ukraine will host the international Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2023) in London