
Displaying 10471 - 10480 of 14477

Kohrt, Brandon A.; Yang, Minyoung; Rai, Sauharda; Bhardwaj, Anvita; Tol, Wietse A.; Jordans, Mark J. D. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, Vol 22(3),

This study identifies risk factors for voluntarily joining armed groups, as well as to test association of conscription status and mental health.


Global Strategy – Beyond Detention 2014-2019 is a document released by UNHCR, which aims to support governments to end the detention of asylum-seekers and refugees.,

The refresher course will provide the knowledge base and theoretical framework for understanding and developing best practices in alternative care.

Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS,

The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS is seeking an experienced and highly motivated consultant to act as Coalition Manager to support the group into its next phase of development as they increase their membership and contribution as a significant voice for children within the HIV field. 

Catholic Relief Services - 4Children Initiative,

The 4Children Initiative (4C) of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is recruiting a ‘Keeping Children in Healthy and Protective Families’ (KCHPF) Uganda Project Director who will be a member of the CRS Uganda team in Kampala.

Deborah Shropshire, Amanda Williams Affiliated with University of Southern Mississippi, Lauren Burge, Larissa Hines – Springer Link,

This article discusses how the resilience of foster children can be increassed, and their outcomes changed through the responsible and intentional interventions of health care professionals, child welfare workers, and communities.

Dr. Philip Cook, Michele Cook, Natasha Blanchet Cohen, Armel Oguniyi & Jean Sewanou International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD),

This is a report from the International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD) examining the two year (2014-2016) Child Protection Social Cohesion initiative in Burundi and Chad.

Jérôme Ballet & Augendra Bhukuth - Journal of Human Trafficking,

While there is a good amount of trafficking research that focuses on Africa, much of the research has greatly neglected child trafficking and its traits within the borders of a particular country. The goal of this article is to take stock of the child trafficking situation within Madagascar’s borders. This article examines the impact of supply-and-demand factors on child trafficking in Madagascar and discusses the approaches that should be used in the implementation of anti-trafficking policies.

Gabby Ferreira - Desert Sun,

This article discusses a task force report, which reveals that over the past 40 years, state and federal agencies have failed to live up to their obligations under the Indian Child Welfare Act.  The purpose of the act is to ensure that Native American children remain within tribal families.  

Human Rights Watch,

Il faut continuer sur cette voie en menant des enquêtes et en engageant des poursuites en justice