
Displaying 10891 - 10900 of 14476

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Department of Social Welfare - Ministry of Empowerment, Social Welfare, Youth, Women and Children; Save the Children UK; SOS Children’s Villages,

Zanzibar’s Department of Social Welfare - a department within the Ministry of Empowerment, Social Welfare, Youth, Women and Children - along with Save the Children UK and SOS Children’s Villages undertook a rapid assessment of residential care institutions in Zanzibar in an effort to provide preliminary information to assist the Department of Social Welfare in licensing of all children’s homes in Zanzibar.

New Internationalist Magazine,

This article describes how fraudsters in Nepal persuade vulnerable families to hand over their children to the "orphanage industry."

Overseas Development Institute,

This report and summary explores the current childcare policy failures across a range of case-study countries, including Viet Nam, Gaza, Mexico, India and Ethiopia, and highlights examples of progress in countries which are successfully responding to these challenges.

Child Trends,

Child Trends recently released three sets of child welfare fact sheets detailing child maltreatment, foster care, and adoption statistics from the United States for federal fiscal year (FFY) 2013. Each set of 52 fact sheets uses state and national data to tell a story about the U.S.'s most vulnerable children and youth, a story that varies dramatically by state. 

SOS Villages d'Enfants France et CNAPE,

SOS Villages d’Enfants France et la CNAPE, en partenariat avec le CNFPT – INSET d’Angers et le Défenseur des droits, organisent 5 formations en mars et juin 2016 sur le thème : « Les droits de l’enfant accueilli en protection de l’enfance : de la théorie à la pratique! », dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre du projet européen Former les professionnels de la prise en charge alternative

Manijeh Nourian PhD; Farahnaz Mohammadi Shahboulaghi, PhD; Kian Nourozi Tabrizi, PhD; Maryam Rassouli, PhD; Akbar Biglarrian, PhD,

This article primarily discusses a study that was conducted to determine resilience and contributing factors in high-risk adolescents living in residential care facilities affiliated to Tehran Welfare Organization.

Voice of America,

The UN Refugee Agency and UNICEF are setting up 20 centers to support and protect children and families fleeing war and persecution as they move across Europe’s well-worn migration routes. The centers, known as Blue Dot Hubs, are intended to provide a safe place for children and families facing risks once they arrive in Greece and move along the Balkan migratory route, which includes the former republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. In these hubs, children can play and their families can receive services and counseling.

BBC News,

Two sisters in Colombia who were separated when they were children after an avalanche destroyed their town have been reunited 30 years later

SOS Children´s Villages International ,

SOS Children´s Villages International is currently undertaking the development of the project “Training Professionals Working with Children in Care” under the framework of the European Commission´s Fundamental Rights Programme concerning the right