
Displaying 11631 - 11640 of 14440

Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General - Department of Health and Human Services ,

The Office of the Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services in the USA conducted a study, focused on four states in the US, to determine whether children in foster care received initial and periodic health screenings as established in each State’s plan.

Julie Taylor, Audrey Cameron, Christine Jones, Anita Franklin, Kirsten Stalker, Deborah Fry - University of Edinburgh/NSPCC ,

This report summarises the findings of original research commissioned by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in the UK carried out by the University of Edinburgh/NSPCC Child Protection Research Centre to address a significant gap in current understandings of deaf and disabled children and young people's experiences of the child protection system.

Dr Andrew Harvey, Dr Patricia McNamara, Lisa Andrewartha, and Michael Luckman - LaTrobe University Access & Achievement Research Unit ,

This report aims to provide the basis for an agenda to improve university attendance among care leavers in Australia by highlighting the nature and extent of the problem, and suggesting practical solutions within both the education and community service sectors.


This double edition of the ISS Monthly Review is a brief progress report on the situation of children in need of alternative care or at risk of so being, five years after the Guidelines’ acceptance at the United Nations’ General Assembly.

Siân Long and Kelley Bunkers - UNICEF and World Vision International,

This report from UNICEF and World Vision International documents country level approaches that respond to HIV and child protection challenges facing children and adolescents by linking both those responses.

ECPAT Germany, Tourism Watch, Bread for the World, Working Group - Tourism & Development (akte) ,

This publication serves as a guide for responsible voluntourism, both for volunteers and volunteer tour operators.

Florence Martin, ISS Monthly Review,

The February-March 2015 double edition of the ISS Monthly Review includes an article by Florence Martin, director of the Better Care Network, which provides a brief overview of the Tracking Progress project and potential implications for users of the tool. 

James Kassaga Arinaitwe - Al Jazeera ,

Written from the perspective of someone who grew up as a so-called “AIDS orphan” in Africa, this opinion piece from Al Jazeera describes how Western media has tended to portray orphaned children with pity, rather than with dignity.

Garrett Therolf - LA Times ,

A reporter and photographer from the LA Times spent two weeks reporting on a residential home for foster youth in Los Angeles, California in the US and the difficulties faced by the youth who are placed there.

BBC News,

The state of Indiana in the United States is considering implementing “baby boxes” - drop-off spots for parents to anonymously hand over their infants, according to the article.