
Displaying 12591 - 12600 of 14435

Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD),

This assessment toolkit and associated supporting documentation has been created to assist PSWO’s and Child Care Institutions to achieve compliance with the Children (Approved Home) Regulation 2010.

Universalia, Child Frontiers,

This revised report presents findings from an evaluation of the Child Protection Monitoring and Response System (CPMRS) in Thailand for the period 2006-2012.

Alberto Celesia, Marta Pesenti, Mónica Tarducci y Mara Tissera Luna - Relaf y Unicef,

El presente informe refleja distintos aspectos del fenómeno de discriminación que sufren las niñas, niños y adolescentes sin cuidado parental que residen en instituciones de América Latina y el Caribe.

Merike Darmody, Léan McMahon, Joanne Banks, Robbie Gilligan,

This report presents the results of an exploratory study on education for children in care in Ireland. The overarching aim of this study is to identify how the Irish education system can best support attendance, participation and attainment in education by children in care. 

Federation Internationale de Terre des Hommes ,

Sans une mise en œuvre efficace, la Convention de La Haye en elle-même est impuissante pour prévenir les pratiques abusives dans le domaine de l’adoption internationale. Une bonne application de la CLH dépend de la volonté politique des Etats parties à travers des législations et des procédures adéquates et le renforcement des contrôles.

Daniela Papi - BBC News,

In this opinion piece, Daniela Papi writes about her personal experience as an international volunteer and how she came to realize the potential detrimental effects her volunteer work had on the communities with whom she worked.


Retrak, a UK-based organization working with street children in Africa, has published an excellent practical manual detailing its standard operating procedures (SOPs) for family reintegration for children working or living on the street. This document includes guiding principles of family reintegration, key steps, tools, monitoring and evaluation, as well as variations on the key steps of family reintegration.


In its 2013 State of the World’s Children Report, UNICEF has chosen to highlight the particular issues, needs, and circumstances of children with disabilities worldwide. The report includes a description of the common issues that children with disabilities face, models for inclusive policy and practice, and an agenda for action moving forward.

Dr Josiah Kaplan and Dr Nicola Jones,

This paper was commissioned by Family for Every Child and is part of an inter-agency series on the links between child protection and major development goals. This report focuses on the links between child protection and economic growth.

Family for Every Child and Partners,

This statement from a group of international and national agencies working towards children's protection include recommendations for the inclusion of a major goal and specific targets on children's care and protection as part of the framework that will replace the current Millennium Development Goals in 2015.