
Displaying 13171 - 13180 of 14435

Overseas Development Institute ,

This briefing paper draws on ODI’s research on social protection and gender in eight countries and three regions funded by DFID and AusAID and discusses how social protection interventions can promote an inter¬linked gender-sensitive approach to the MDGs.

DFID Civil Society Organisations Child Rights Working Group ,

The evidence presented in this paper shows that insufficient attention paid to equity across and within generations has devastating impacts for the achievement of the MDGs and for the wellbeing of children now and in the future.


This report argues that a failure to provide proper care and protection for children is hindering progress in the achievement of many of the MDGs.

Ruth Evans, Department of Geography, University of Reading, UK,

Explores the ways that young people express their agency and negotiate complex lifecourse transitions according to gender, age and inter- and intra-generational norms in sibling-headed households affected by AIDS in East Africa.


The handbook provides operational guidance and tools to support effective protection responses in situations of internal displacement.


This guidance note is part of the Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons launched by the Global Protection Cluster in Geneva in June 2010. The target audience is staff of humanitarian, human rights and development agencies working in IDP operations in the field.

Journal of the International AIDS Society ,

The special issue brings together the rationale for family-centred services for children affected by HIV and AIDS and some of the available evidence for the effectiveness of integrating treatment and care into the broader context of family-support schemes

Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice (IPJJ),

The Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice seeks a part time Secretariat Coordinator to be based in Geneva, Switzerland

Terre des Hommes,

La loi doit empêcher les trafics d’enfants sous couvert d’adoption en Haïti, et les organismes de protection de l’enfance devront prendre part à la surveillance du bureau national des adoptions à créer. L’experte de Terre des hommes (Tdh) rentre d’une mission qui lui a permis de rencontrer des acteurs-clés, avant l’examen par le Sénat haïtien de la loi sur les adoptions. 

SOS Children's Villages,

The "I Matter Campaign" advocates for support for young people ageing out of care. The second edition of the "I Matter" briefing paper, published by SOS Children's Villages, focuses on young people's involvement in the campaign.