
Displaying 2761 - 2770 of 14432

Greggory J. Cullen, Carolyn Yule, David Walters & William O’Grady - Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal,

This article exploresthe extent to which general strain theory (GST) and self-control theory can explain the mental health outcomes of youth in-care.

Rebecca K Jones, David Westlake - Qualitative Social Work,

This essay describes the impact of the pandemic on the authors' experiences as Independent Visitors (IVs) for children who are looked-after.

Family for Every Child,

In this webinar, hear how two of Family for Every Child’s member organisations, Legal Services for Children (LSC) in the U.S. and Fundación Junto con los Niños (JUCONI) in Mexico, collaborated on child migration advocacy using Photovoice to engage children at different stages of their migration.

The World Bank,

This event will launch the World Bank's new white paper on childcare: Better Jobs and Brighter Futures: Investing in Childcare to Build Human Capital.

Sai Kiran Pasupula, Madhavi Kodali, Therissa Benerji, Krishna Mohan Parvathaneni - Archives of Mental Health,

The aim of this article was to study and compare the depression and behavioral problems among children residing at welfare hostels and orphanages.

UN Committee on the Rights of the Child,

In the present general comment, the Committee on the Rights of the Child explains how States parties should implement the Convention on the Rights of the Child in relation to the digital environment and provides guidance on relevant legislative, policy and other measures to ensure full compliance with their obligations under the Convention and the Optional Protocols thereto in the light of the opportunities, risks and challenges in promoting, respecting, protecting and fulfilling all children’s rights in the digital environment.

Sarah Walker, Yasmin Gunaratnam - Journal of Sociology,

This article is based on ethnographic fieldwork in an Italian reception centre for male ‘unaccompanied minors’. The article examines the political ambivalence of hospitality for young African men as they transition to adulthood and how this is experienced through the intersections of age, gender and race.

Rachna Mishra and Vanita Sondhi - Children and Youth Services Review,

This grounded theory study aimed to theorize pathways through which orphaned adolescents within institutional care navigate to achieve positive adaptation.

Caitlin Hitchcock, Benjamin Goodall, Olivia Sharples, Richard Meiser-Stedman, Peter Watson, Tamsin Ford, Tim Dalgleish - Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,

This article explores population-level prevalence of Posttraumatic stress disorder for Young Children (PTSD-YC) to test whether application of Alternative Algorithm for PTSD (AA-PTSD) criteria, relative to the DSM-IV PTSD algorithm, increases identification of 5-6 year old children with clinical needs, in both the general population, and among looked-after-children where the risk of mental health issues is greater.

Sophie Meixner - ABC News,

This article from ABC News explores the disproportionate representation of Indigenous children and young people in Victoria's residential care facilities.