
Displaying 3901 - 3910 of 14435

Family for Every Child,

This How We Care series explores how Family for Every Child's Members are providing essential psychosocial support to vulnerable children and families within the context of the pandemic.

Madelaine Smales, Melissa Savaglio, Heather Morris, Lauren Bruce, Helen Skouteris & Rachael Green - International Journal of Adolescence and Youth,

This study aimed to explore the experiences and perceptions of health among young people (YP) who have previously lived in care.

John Tobin & Judy Cashmore - Child Abuse & Neglect,

In this article, the authors outline some of the issues in the implementation and understanding of the Convention and highlight three major international developments over the last decade: the adoption of General Comment No 13, the work of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children, and the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the UN General Assembly in 2005.

Zhijun Liu & Bo Zhou - Chinese Sociological Review ,

This study examines how childhood experiences of being left behind by migrant parents affect the behaviors of adults.

Averi Chakrabarti, Sudhanshu Handa, Gustavo Angeles, David Seidenfeld - World Development,

This paper investigates whether the Government of Zimbabwe’s Harmonized Social Cash Transfer (HSCT) Program, which combines cash transfers with complementary services, affects youth exposure to physical violence.

Justin Rogers, Mark Furnival, Rebecca Wright, Steve Stockley and Ian Thomas - Martin James Foundation,

This brief report explores the impact that Covid-19 has had on fostering households in the United Kingdom.

Diana Rinker, Diane Lanni and Heather Forkey - Pediatrics,

The purpose of this study was to identify changes in knowledge, skills and efficacy of foster caregivers who received trauma coach services. 

The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health,

This editorial piece from The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health urges that the "far-reaching consequences [of the COVID-19 crisis] call for children and their right to health, education, and protection to be prioritised in the pandemic response and recovery planning."

Alison C. Koenka, Eric M. Anderman, Lynley H. Anderman, Sungjun Won - Learning and Individual Differences,

This study explored (1) the role of ethnic identity in predicting internationally adopted adolescents' expectancies for success and task values and (2) the extent to which school belonging mediated these relations.

Tahl I. Frenkel, Bonny Donzella, Kristin A. Frenn, Sofie Rousseau, Nathan A. Fox & Megan R. Gunnar - Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,

The present study examined the protective effect of the error-related-negativity (ERN) in a sample of children who experienced at least 3-years of stable, relatively enriched caregiving after being internationally-adopted as infants/toddlers from institutional-care.