
Displaying 9731 - 9740 of 14477

Gary Mallon - Child Welfare Journal,

This special issue focuses on the much larger number of kinship caregivers, who either intervene on their own or accept the assistance of child protective authorities that facilitate informal arrangements without taking legal custody.

Child Welfare Journal - Child Welfare League of America,

This two-part special issue of the Child Welfare Journal focuses on children in kinship care—those who are being raised by grandparents, aunts and uncles, older siblings, and non-related extended family members—to bring attention to this less visible area of public child welfare, featuring policy-based and empirical research on kinship families.

Dr Sarah Woodin - Mental Disability Advocacy Centre, Ann Craft Trust, Global Initiative on Psychiatry, The League of Human Rights ,

This report is one of several outputs arising from the project “Identifying and Preventing Abuse of Children with Mental Disabilities in Institutions.” The report presents findings from the monitoring of European institutions where children with intellectual disabilities and children with psychosocial disabilities live on a permanent or semi-permanent basis, through the development of tools and guidance aligned with international human rights law and policy.

Sara Gomes - Coram Voice,

This guide from Coram Voice in the UK provides guidance to youth leaving or aging out of the foster care system, including informing care-leavers of their rights.

JaeRan Kim - Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services,

This study explored the experiences of adoptive parents who chose to place their intercountry adopted child in out-of-home care due to the child's disability. 

MEASURE Evaluation,

This document describes and provides guidelines for countries to implement the Household Vulnerability Prioritization Tool (HVPT), a tool developed in Uganda to identify and prioritize vulnerable households for enrollment in OVC programming. 

Andrew Kardan, Andrew Wyatt, Ramla Attah and Paul Quarles van Ufford - Oxford Policy Management,

This working paper assesses the performance of local and community-based structures in Kenya and Zambia in delivering the government social protection systems that they are tasked to support.

Hy V. Huynh - Clemson University,

This study explored the extent to which components of quality of care predicted psychosocial well-being of orphaned and separated children (OSC), as well as the extent to which these components of quality of care and demographic factors moderated the associations between care settings and psychosocial well-being of orphaned and separated children (OSC).

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, WithoutViolence,

The purpose of this Global Advocacy Toolkit is to provide advocates with a common set of tools and messages with which to bring about greater political and programmatic priority for strengthening the social service workforce. 

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,

This briefing highlights how prohibition of all corporal punishment of children in Africa is an essential step towards fulfilling the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - particularly target 16.2 to end all violence against children, and targets related to health, well-being and quality education - and Africa’s Agenda for Children 2040: Fostering an Africa Fit for Children.