
Displaying 10231 - 10240 of 14401


This position provides child protection technical leadership in the design and development of programs for children in countries in conflict, crisis, post-conflict and post-crisis settings across the world, with a specific focus on research, monitoring and evaluation for child protection.

James David Simon; Devon Brooks - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examines the relationship between different areas of family need and the utilization of home-based, post-investigation services (HBPS) following a child protective services (CPS) investigation.

American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children,

The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) is now recruiting for the position of Executive Director.

African Child Policy Forum and the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children,

This is a joint statement issued by ACPF and the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children following the Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Ending Violence against children in Africa held in Addis Ababa, on September 29th and 30th, 2016.

Radio Free Asia,

Than Than Ei was just nine years old when she was sent to work for a family in Yangon, where she suffered years of physical and emotional abuse. 

International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI),

The Planning Committee for the 2017 International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI) is pleased to invite abstract proposals for oral presentations, interactive poster presentations, and panels relating to the process and findings of child indicators research. 

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities during the sixteenth session (15 Aug 2016 – 2 Sep 2016) of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

UK Department for Education,

This statistical release provides information about looked after children in England for the year ending 31 March 2016, including where they are placed, their legal status, the numbers starting and ceasing to be looked after, and the numbers who go missing or are away from their placement without authorisation. 

Oliver Holmes - The Guardian,

This article from the Guardian notes that UNICEF warns of voluntourism potentially moving into Myanmar.

The Free Press Journal,

This is an article from the Free Press Journal stating that the Bombay High Court directed the Maharashtra government to carry out a census of street children so that they can be provided with basic facilities.