
Displaying 11831 - 11840 of 14403

Leslie Snider - Peace in Practice,

This caregiver guide, which accompanies an illustrated children’s book, is written for the caregivers of children affected by the Ebola crisis.

Leslie Snider - Peace in Practice,

This downloadable children’s book, accompanied by a caregiver guide, is written for the children affected by the Ebola crisis, their caregivers and communities.

RELAF, Save the Children, and UNICEF,

Esta evaluación rápida, conducida por RELAF in colaboración con Save the Children y UNICEF, revisa las políticas públicas y servicios desarrollados por instituciones gubernamentales y no-gubernamentales perteneciendo al "Sistema de Protección Integral" para hacer frente a las cuestiones problemáticas que afectan los niños migrantes y sus familias en el Triángulo del Norte (El Salvador, Guatemala, y Honduras) y México. 

Ministry of Health and Social Development, Department of Social Development, UNICEF,

The Interagency Child Protection Protocol aims to offer guidance and support on good practices for the identification, reporting, investigation, case management, and prosecution of child abuse cases in Anguilla.

Deborah Sampson and Katherine Hertlein - GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy,

The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand the experiences of grandparents in the US and the challenges they face raising their grandchildren.

Better Care Network and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

This working paper, produced by the Better Care Network and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, explores the topic of social service workforce strengthening as it relates to child care reform.

Elizabeth Carlson, Anna Marie Gallagher - Journal on Migration and Human Security,

This paper provides an overview of the violence perpetrated by gangs and other criminal organizations in Mexico and Central America which compels many children to flee their communities. The paper also describes the US government’s obligations to protect unaccompanied children upon arrival, and good practices of other governments relating to the protection of child migrants and refugees.


Depuis la présentation des premiers indicateurs du bien-être des enfants, beaucoup de choses ont changé. Cependant, le principe directeur reste le même : des données crédibles sur la situation des enfants sont essentielles à l’amélioration de leurs conditions de vie – et indispensables à la réalisation des droits de chaque enfant. Les données montrent que des progrès considérables ont été accomplis au cours des dernières décennies mais les tableaux témoignent également de violations persistantes des droits des enfants.

Disability Rights International and Your Dimension,

This report documents Ukraine’s Soviet-era system of orphanages and other institutions for children with disabilities. The report details the violence, exploitation, and other human rights violations that are frequently committed against these children. It also shows how families who wish to keep their children with disabilities at home are often forced to institutionalize them as a result of lack of support.