
Displaying 12261 - 12270 of 14405

Deirdre Elizabeth Blackie, University of the Witwatersrand,

This dissertation explores the experiences and representations of child abandonment in urban Johannesburg, South Africa. 

Victoria Schmidt and Jo Daugherty Bailey,

Despite the development of alternative forms of care, international and domestic pressures for change, and over 20 years of efforts at deinstitutionalization, the Czech Republic has one of the highest rates of institutionalization of children in E

European Agency for Fundamental Rights ,

This online resource provides an overview of research, conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), on national child protection systems in the 28 European Union (EU) Member States.


This report, issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, examines the situation and needs of unaccompanied children who emigrate from Central America and Mexico to the United States, and offers recommendations based on those needs. 

Better Care Network,

In 2013, Better Care Network (BCN) initiated an important process of developing a new Strategic Plan identifying the main strategic focus for its work over the next four years (2014-2017). The plan is based on an analysis of BCN’s achievements to date, the strategic areas in which BCN can have most impact in the future by working with key actors to strengthen the response to children without adequate family care.

Dr Helen Baños Smith,

This important report documents a 22-month longitudinal study of the reintegration of children in residential care in Moldova.

Save the Children,

This position statement by Save the Children highlights the central place of families in numerous international legal instruments and how the concept has been understood. It also clarifies its own understanding of families and reviews key provisions under international law regarding their crucial role and responsibilities, and that of States towards them.

Susan Burke & Glen Schmidt,

An exploratory case study design was used to identify the needs of kinship caregivers in northern British Columbia (BC). 

Jon Hamilton - NPR Morning Edition,

This article from NPR describes research conducted by Charles Nelson and others on the impacts of neglect on children's wellbeing and development.

Kristen E. Cheney,

A presentation on the "Orphan Industrial Complex" at the Young Lives and Globalization in Africa workshop at the University of Liège, Belgium on 21st February 2014.