
Displaying 6421 - 6430 of 14392

Sílvia Indias, Ignacia Arruabarrena, Joaquín De Paúl - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study aimed to measure lifetime prevalence and frequency rates of child physical and emotional abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and several types of sexual and peer victimization among adolescents in residential care.


Le bureau UNICEF Algérie lance un appel d’offres pour l’amélioration de la prise en charge du jeune enfant dans les Etablissements d’accueil de la Petite Enfance (EPE)

Maryam Pyar Ali Lakhdir, Apsara Ali Nathwani, Naureen Akber Ali, Salima Farooq, Syed Iqbal Azam, Asif Khaliq, Muhammad Masood Kadir - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study aimed to determine the relationship of intergenerational abuse with child emotional maltreatment (CEM) among 11–17 years old children residing in peri-urban and urban communities of Karachi, Pakistan.

Aditi R - Times of India,

Child rights activists in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu have lauded the Australian government's recent inclusion of orphanage trafficking in their Modern Slavery Act and the country's efforts to cut off support to overseas orphanages, according to this article from the Times of India.


Honduras became the 101st Contracting Party of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption on 6 March 2019, according to this news release from the Hague Conference. 


Guyana became the 100th Contracting Party to the Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention on 5 February 2019, according to this news release from the Hague Conference.

Jeffrey Waid & Armeda Stevenson Wojciak - Children and Youth Services Review,

To explore the viability of positive youth development for youth in care, this observational study investigated whether participation in a summer camp-based reunification program for siblings separated by foster care in the US and Australia called Camp To Belong influenced youth resilience, a critical protective mechanism for maltreated youth.

Karen Wells - Child Abuse Review,

This paper reports on a qualitative study that aimed to understand children’s experiences of private fostering and social work practice.

Elizabeth Kiely, Nicola O'Sullivan, Mary Tobin - Children and Youth Services Review,

The paper presents findings from a study of centre-based supervised child-parent contact. The purpose of the research was twofold; to ascertain the views and experiences of birth fathers on all aspects of the supervised child-parent contact they experienced in a centre; to find out from centre supervisors their views of engaging fathers and supervising contact, and from key stakeholders and referral agents (a community project worker, a child protection social worker, Guardian ad Litems, a family law solicitor) their perceptions of the supervised contact provision in the centre.

Jamaica Observer,

"A pilot foster care project will be undertaken over the next year as the [Jamaican] Government moves to place more children under State care in stable family settings," according to this article from the Jamaica Observer.