
Displaying 8461 - 8470 of 14395

Armenian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MOLSA), USAID, MEASURE Evaluation,

The Armenian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MOLSA), with funding and technical assistance from the Displaced Children and Orphans Fund (DCOF) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and MEASURE Evaluation, conducted a self-assessment of the care reform system at a participatory stakeholder workshop held in Armenia.


This implementation guide lays out what New York City child welfare agencies and Rise together found effective in strengthening parent-child visiting by training frontline staff and providing more information to parents. The guide includes planning, training and evaluation resources so that other agencies can bring the TIPS approach into frontline practice.

Jessica Cocks - Churchill Trust,

This Churchill Fellowship has explored family inclusion initiatives in the USA, Canada, Norway and the UK and has found that family inclusion is a pathway to better outcomes for children and young people including restoration and permanency.

Satarupa Dutta - International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies,

This study focuses on the preparation for social reintegration of young Indian girls about to leave their residential care homes.

National Commission for Protection of Child Rights,

The National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) of India has formulated this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in order to address gaps in current policy regarding the death of a child in a Child Care Institution (CCI) and the duty of Child Care Institutions to address issues such as escape, runaway or sexual abuse of children in the CCI.

ChildFund International,

This case study from ChildFund's 2018 Impact Report describes the Deinstitutionalization of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (DOVCU) initiative in Uganda, which aims to to improve the safety and well-being of children outside of family care. 

Republic of Kenya,

The guidelines for Case Management and Referral for Child Protection Systems in Kenya is a reference material to guide different actors on how to carry out comprehensive case management and referral and defines the role of the government, civil society organizations, the communities, the family and the child to complement each other.

National Gender and Equality Commission,

As part of its mandate the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) undertook a study whose primary objective is to identify minorities and marginalized communities of Kenya, and outline major issues affecting these communities in all counties.

María Matilde Luna - USAID,

El Modelo de cuidados alternativos contenido en este documento se presenta en una coyuntura social en la que el Estado y la sociedad civil de Guatemala enfrentan el desafío de un cambio necesario.

Uganda Bureau of Statistics,

The sections in this report provide an analysis of Uganda’s disability policy and legislative framework and how it is implemented, and emphasizes the need for sound research for development, including statistics.