Hong Kong

Displaying 10011 - 10020 of 14396

ACCI Missions & Relief,

This briefing note has been written to give Australian churches an overview of the issue of orphanage tourism and an understanding of the likely ramifications of the legislation for churches.

Abhishek Saraswat & Sayeed Unisa - IUSSP 2017,

This study examined the psychological wellbeing of children in institutions and their various coping mechanisms.

Linda Reynolds, Senator for Western Australia & Kate van Doore,

This newsletter issue from Senator Linda Reynolds of Western Australia, written in conjunction with Kate van Doore of Griffith Law School, was written in preparation for the Australian Parliamentary inquiry on modern slavery and describes the ways in which orphanage trafficking constitutes modern-day slavery. 

Sharon Vandivere, Karin E. Malm, Tiffany J. Allen, Sarah Catherine Williams and Amy McKlindon - Evaluation Review,

The present study tested whether family finding, as implemented in North Carolina from 2008 through 2011, improved child welfare outcomes for youth at risk of emancipating foster care without permanency. 

LaShanda Taylor Adams - N.Y.U. Review of Law and Social Change,

This article examines the legal inadequacies of reinstatement statutes in the US which "often punish parents who opposed the termination of their parental rights and reward those who voluntarily signed relinquishments."

Vivek S. Sankaran - N.Y.U. Review of Law & Social Change,

This article explores this practice, examines its origins, and discusses its constitutional inadequacies.

Bezrukova O.N., Samoilova V.А. - Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies],

The article contains analysis of parental potential in foster families and the resources of its strengthening with the support of the professional community. 

Linda Liebenberg, Natacha Joubert, & Marie-Lynne Foucault - Public Health Agency of Canada,

Executive Summary

Leonard M. Agere, Pius T. Tanga, and Simon Kang’ethe - Child Abuse Research in South Africa,

The aim of the paper is to explore selected pertinent challenges that impede child and youth care centres (CYCCs) from providing holistic support and care to children found in need of care as stated in the Children’s Act No. 38/2005. 

Ana Beltran, Generations United’s National Center on Grandfamilies - Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy,

This policy brief highlights the work of the Grandfamilies Advocacy Network Demonstration to advocate for policy reforms for grandfamilies in the US.