Hong Kong

Displaying 10381 - 10390 of 14393

Natasha Ruth Saunders, Patricia C Parkin, Catherine S Birken, Jonathon L Maguire, Cornelia M Borkhoff - Archives of Disease in Childhood,

This study investigated whether there is an association between family immigrant status and iron stores and evaluated whether or not there were any known dietary, environmental or biological determinants of low iron status that influenced this relationship.  

Shiomara Perla del Carpio Ovando, Eduardo Fernández Guzmán, Elizabeth Garnica Reséndiz - European Journal of Business and Social Sciences,

Using the stories and reflections of boys and girls in Guanajuato, Mexico, this study points out how with migration, there are different ways to understand and cope with the issues that surround migration.  


Practical guide for travel companies delivering volunteer tourism experiences.

Sallie Yea - Movement, Mobilities, and Journeys Volume 6 of the series Geographies of Children and Young People pp 67-84,

This chapter explores issues of children’s agency and participation in anti-trafficking interventions with children trafficked for exploitative labor in Vietnam. 

Stark, Lindsay; Landis, Debbie; Thomson, Blake; Potts, Alina Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, Vol 22(3),

This study examines the experiences of young female survivors of sexual violence in northern Uganda in order to explore the variety of roles (both positive and negative) that informal support networks played in contributing to survivors’ healing, recovery, and reintegration.

Kohrt, Brandon A.; Yang, Minyoung; Rai, Sauharda; Bhardwaj, Anvita; Tol, Wietse A.; Jordans, Mark J. D. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, Vol 22(3),

This study identifies risk factors for voluntarily joining armed groups, as well as to test association of conscription status and mental health.


Global Strategy – Beyond Detention 2014-2019 is a document released by UNHCR, which aims to support governments to end the detention of asylum-seekers and refugees.  


The refresher course will provide the knowledge base and theoretical framework for understanding and developing best practices in alternative care.

Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS,

The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS is seeking an experienced and highly motivated consultant to act as Coalition Manager to support the group into its next phase of development as they increase their membership and contribution as a significant voice for children within the HIV field. 

Catholic Relief Services - 4Children Initiative,

The 4Children Initiative (4C) of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is recruiting a ‘Keeping Children in Healthy and Protective Families’ (KCHPF) Uganda Project Director who will be a member of the CRS Uganda team in Kampala.