Hong Kong

Displaying 11471 - 11480 of 14393

Caitlin Baer and Madeline Vasquez - National Center for Child Welfare Excellence,

This information packet from the National Center for Child Welfare Excellence presents demographic data on pregnant youth in foster care and best practice tips for pregnancy prevention among youth in foster care in the US, as well as an overview of a model pregnancy prevention program and a list of additional resources.

Jennifer Pokempner, Kacey Mordecai, Lourdes Rosado & Divya Subrahmanyam - Juvenile Law Center,

This paper, from the Juvenile Law Center in the United States, provides an overview of the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act of 2014 as it relates to promoting well-being and normalcy for youth in foster care.

Robin Dion - Mathematica Policy Research,

This document provides a brief overview of the findings of a study on public resources and policies that can help prevent or mitigate homelessness among young adults who have aged out of foster care in the US.

Georgette Mulheir, Chief Executive - Lumos,

In this paper, Lumos reviews Bulgaria’s national strategy on deinstitutionalisation, adopted in 2010, and provides recommendations for ensuring the rights of children in the process.

Shoshana Indyk - National Center for Child Welfare Excellence,

This information packet presents an overview of facts, statistics, policies, legislation, best practices, model programs, and additional resources related to the US child welfare system and the emotional and psychological well-being of children involved in that system.

The National Council for Children’s Services, Republic of Kenya,

This document, developed through a mapping exercise conducted by the National Council for Children’s Services (NCCS) and the Department of Children Services (DCS) of Kenya, provides a comprehensive list of the agencies and programs in Kenya that provide services for children.

Community Child Protection Exchange, CP MERG, CPC Learning Network and REPSSI,

In an effort to support practitioners to address some challenges of trying to undertake quality research, a group of child protection networks and organizations - the Community Child Protection Exchange, the CP MERG, the CPC Learning Network, and REPSSI - came together to produce this joint newsletter reflecting upon some groups’ successes and challenges working on child protection research and M&E, including working with a limited budget in low-resource settings.

International Social Service (ISS),

El Servicio Social Internacional lanza su Manifiesto por una ética de la adopción internacional.

International Social Service (ISS),

Le Service Social International lance son Manifeste pour une éthique de l’adoption internationale. 

International Social Service (ISS),

The International Social Service (ISS) has launched its Manifesto For Ethical Intercountry Adoption. The Manifesto seeks to promote ethical practices by all adoption stakeholders to better protect children, whether in the receiving country or country of origin, including inter alia, biological parents, adoptive parents, professionals and government representatives.