Hong Kong

Displaying 13291 - 13300 of 14390

UN Human Rights Council,

This resolution was submitted by the Human Rights Council to the General Assembly on 17 June 2019 for consideration with a view to the adoption of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children on the twentieth anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

DFID, HelpAge International, Hope & Homes for Children, Institute of Development Studies, International Labour Organization, Overseas Development Institute, Save the Children UK, UNDP, UNICEF and the World Bank,

This joint statement aims to build greater consensus on the importance of child-sensitive social protection.

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia - Ministry of Women's Affairs,

This document contains revised alternative care guidelines for Ethiopia.  It discusses how development intervention has shifted from a needs based approach to a rights based approach. 

UNICEF et Ministere de la Sante, des Affaires sociales et de la Famille,

Au Congo, le phénomène social des enfants de la rue existe depuis les années 80 et a connu une recrudescence à la suite des conflits armés des années 90. Il s’est aggravé en raison de l’affaiblissement de la capacité de prise en charge des familles, de leur paupérisation et de l’accroissement du nombre de familles monoparentales (décès, divorce), recomposées ou des unions hors mariage. 

Bernard van Leer Foundation,

Examines the most effective ways of dealing with and diminishing parental stress, and what are the factors that contribute to children’s resilience and coping mechanisms in challenging care environments in particular contexts

UNICEF, Natalia Lyalina and Anna Nordenmark Severinsson,

Developed by the UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe/Commonwealth of Independent States as a discussion paper for the 2nd Child Protection Forum on Building and Reforming Child Care Systems

Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse,

Keys findings from the full investigation into state-run children's institutions in Ireland from the 1930s - 1990s

Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UN Population Division,

The study provides a solid foundation for furthering research on child adoption and, more specifically, on the demographic factors that shape the demand for and the availability of adoptable children.

Peter Evans,

This presentation, conducted by Peter Evans at the Second Child Protection Forum in Bishkek from 12 to14 May, 2009, includes information on gatekeeping, including a definition, the components of gatekeeping, a flowchart of entry routes for children into institutions, outlines of assessments and intervention plans, monthly monitoring and information systems, and more.

Peter Gross, EU Child Welfare Reform Project Georgia ,

This workbook aims to introduce service managers and accountants to the ideas, concepts and methodologies of unit costing, to help them establish a price for their service per child and per unit of time.