Hong Kong

Displaying 13531 - 13540 of 14391

Betsy VanLeit PhD, Project Manager for Handicap International Belgium and Assistant Professor, University o f New Mexico,

This presentation given to the World Bank in May 2007 describes a study conducted in Cambodia on the situation and needs of children with disabilities and their families.

Berger, M et Bonneville, E,

Dans ce plaidoyer qui s’étaye sur une longue expérience clinique les auteurs interrogent les défauts du dispositif de protection et d’aide à l’enfance. Les auteurs interpellent les professionnels afin que ceux-ci agissent chaque fois avec une implication renouvelée partant d’une évaluation précise de l’état de l’enfant et de sa famille.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service for UNHCR,

Guidance and preconditions on use of Best Interests Determination for unaccompanied and separated children

Marie de la Soudière, Jan Williamson, Jacqueline Botte,

This document is intended to provide concrete advice on how to put the guiding principles common to most child protection actors into practice. Though cultural traditions and customs may require the advice to be adapted to the specific context, the authors believe that the advice provided is grounded in sufficiently broad experience to guide measures that ensure children under five are not separated when this can be avoided, and, if separated, can be reunited with their families as quickly as possible.

Marina Stephanoff,

L’enfant du placement familial grandit en terre étrangère. C’est à partir de cet « exil » et dans les allers-retours entre sa famille et sa famille d’accueil qu’il va se construire. Mais sa place n’est pas pérenne. Elle peut être fragilisée par les passages à l’acte de l’enfant.

Bilson, A. & Cox, P. ,

Examines practice of using institutional care for children in poverty and recommends alternative responses to maintain families.

Dana Johnson,

Dana Johnson, member of the Budpest Early Intervention Project and a speaker at the BCN-BEIP discussion day, addresses common questions concerning the adotpion of institutionalized children.

UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL),

The aim of this report is to review international human rights norms as well as Liberian legislation, and to assess the compliance of orphanages with those standards.

Stephanie Hanes / Christian Science Monitor,

Africa shifts to 'whole village' approach for the care of orphans and other vulnerbale children.

European Coalition for Community Living,

The third newsletter of the European Coalition for Community Living. Articles focus on good practices in providing care for children with disabilities.