Hong Kong

Displaying 1691 - 1700 of 14391

Rachel Treisman - NPR,

The UNHCR projects that some 8.3 million refugees will leave Ukraine, and the agency is calling for more financial support for them and their host countries.

Rachel Treisman - NPR,

The UNHCR now projects that some 8.3 million refugees will leave Ukraine, and the agency is calling for more financial support for them and their host countries.

Victoria Amunga - All Africa,

An April 7 court ruling by Justice Joel Ngugi of the Nakuru law courts said fathers can be granted custody of young children.


We at PFAN, IPAN, and SWAG are pleased to announce our joint webinar on language and why it matters from a parental and professional point of view.

Jasmin Jau, Philip Mendes, Jacinta Chavulak, Robyn Martin ,

This study, based on interviews with 10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth from Victoria and Western Australia (who were a sub-set of a larger study of 34 care leavers), examined their transition experiences and outcomes in relation to accessing stable and affordable housing. While all care leavers spoke of poor or non-existent transition planning, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants were more likely to report incidences of homelessness and more complex experiences in a range of areas. Importantly, the group identified a need for culturally appropriate service models which built on and enhanced cultural and kinship connections.

Jennifer Lapin, Sarah Beal, Ryan Adams, Jennifer Ehrhardt, Ernest Pedapati, Tanya Froehlich,

The purpose of this U.S.-based study was to determine whether children with developmental disorders (DDs) in protective custody are more likely to experience specific placement types and stay in care longer than their typically developing peers. Furthermore, in the DD-only group, the authors examined whether the likelihood of each placement type differed by specific DD diagnosis.

WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNODC, Parenting for Lifelong Health, University of Oxford,

WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNODC, Parenting for Lifelong Health, University of Oxford,

WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNODC, Parenting for Lifelong Health, University of Oxford,

This new set of evidence-based parenting tips were developed in response to the war in Ukraine and focus on the prevention of child trafficking and child sexual violence.

Stacey McMillan, Holly Lawson, Kath McFarlane,

Young Australians exiting Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) face some of the most challenging access to justice issues due to experiences of trauma, increased interactions with the justice system, distrust of government services, high rates of socioeconomic disadvantage and a lack of accessible support services. This article outlines the experience of the Mid North Coast Legal Centre (MNCLC) which, through the LevelUP Project, aimed to bridge this access to justice gap with a shake-up of the traditional legal services model. Through this experience, MNCLC offers some suggestions for legal centres seeking to improve access to justice for this disadvantaged group.