Hong Kong

Displaying 2061 - 2070 of 14391

Yeshika Budhwar - Times of India,

JAIPUR: The help desks for children have been working during pandemic to deal with issues faced by the minors. Jaipur railway child help desk officials claimed that while the number of cases have reduced compared to previous years, they are getting higher number of runaway cases.

Linda Mussell, Marsha Rampersaud - The Conversation,

There are approximately 11,700 children and youth under state guardianship in Ontario. Black and Indigenous children are highly represented, with Indigenous children comprising 30 per cent of kids under Ontario guardianship alone. Each year, around 1,000 youth “age out” of the system. For many, the transition is difficult, creating lifelong adverse outcomes including low educational attainment and income, unstable housing and homelessness, worse physical and mental health and criminalization.

Paul S. Dilorenzo - The Imprint,

The first of these three conversations should be about the role of poverty and race in the lives of so many families we serve. Are we serving the right people, offering the right levels of support, in the most effective and respectful way possible? Is our agency making the appropriate distinction between poverty and neglect? And the most difficult, nuanced question: even if we backed a dump truck full of money to a home, will that financial security improve parental capacity, child safety and family well-being outcomes? Are there points of intersection with poverty, race, generational trauma, parental substance use and mental health disorders and our responsibility for child safety, permanency and well-being? Every agency should assess and have a clear view of the acceptable balance between parental responsibility and the social forces that impact child safety and family well-being.

The Associated Press,

The family of a 16-year-old boy who was restrained at a shuttered western Michigan youth center and died two days later of cardiac arrest has settled a second wrongful death lawsuit in the case. The settlement between the family of Cornelius

Adi Renald - South China Morning Post,

Indonesia’s Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) recorded a sharp increase in human trafficking cases during the pandemic with 256 victims in 2021, compared to 213 in 2020 and 111 in 2019.

Sharmila Ganesan Ram - The Times of India,

That India abandoned 6,459 babies between 2016 and 2020 does not surprise Smriti Gupta, a proud mother to two adopted children. "Likely, the actual number of abandonments is much higher," says Gupta, CEO and co-founder of Where are India's Children (WAIC), a Pune-based non-profit that is trying to create awareness about the invisible deserted and orphaned kids who never make it into India's legal adoption pool chiefly because vulnerable parents and guardians do not know that they can safely surrender the child at adoption agencies instead of leaving them at shelters.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau,

Child Maltreatment 2022 (the report) is the latest edition of the annual Child Maltreatment report series. The report is used by researchers, practitioners, and advocates throughout the world as a source for national child welfare data. Jurisdictions provide the data for this report via the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS). NCANDS was established as a voluntary, national data collection and analysis program to make available state child abuse and neglect information. Since 1991, child welfare agencies in the 50 states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia have collected and submitted data for NCANDS.

Shivani Bhardwaj, Sudeshna Roy, Aditya Charegaonkar,

This article looks at the role of the State of India in ensuring the wellbeing of those it has the responsibility to protect. These include people who have suffered violence, indignity, hunger and life-threatening circumstances. The five-year planning of state and district plans have utilised more resources than it has produced outcomes and output. In this article the authors have compiled lessons learned from strategies that can enable duty holders to emerge as more responsible actors during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Julia Feast, Leonie Jordan - CoramBAAF,

This good practice guide published by Coram BAAF is for Access to Records Officers (AROs) and social workers in the UK who are providing access to records and related services for adult care leavers and aims to set out a protocol for dealing with Subject Access Requests (SARs) in order to improve services for adult care leavers and establish greater consistency and quality practice across organisations.

Giovanni Giulio Valtolina, Nicoletta Pavesi,

In this essay, after providing some data regarding Ukrainian families and minors who fled their country after the Russian invasion and moved to Italy, the authors will focus on the extraordinary effort made to improve reception programs, on the peculiar condition of minors who reached our country accompanied by adults who were not their parents, and finally on the experience of placing these fleeing families into Italian households.