Hong Kong

Displaying 2481 - 2490 of 14391

Glynis Clacherty - The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

Community volunteers are an integral part of preventing and responding to cases of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children in humanitarian settings. They have a deep understanding of their communities, and help to identify children who are at-risk, have experienced harm, or have been separated from their family. Following global and field research conducted in 2020, the Alliance has produced key resources related to the roles of community volunteers in Child Protection case management in humanitarian settings.

Vikas Pandey & Andrew Clarance - BBC News,

This article from BBC News described how the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated families across India, orphaning many children.

UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum,

Join this United Nations Forum session to discuss and ask questions about child labour in Asia-Pacific in the digital area.


To help feed into the discussions around the 2021 DGD on Children's Rights and Alternative Care, a public consultation has been launched, including a call for submissions of written/video content and a children and young people survey.

International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD), DGD Child Advisory Team and Young People’s Advisory Team members, and DGD Civil Society Group,

The aim of this survey is to capture the views, experiences, and ideas of children and young people with experience of alternative care in order to help feed into and guide the discussions at the 2021 UNCRC Day of General Discussion focused on Child Rights and Alternative Care.

BBC News,

"Unmarked graves containing the remains of 215 children have been found in Canada at a former residential school set up to assimilate indigenous people," says this article from BBC News.

Antonia Noori Farzan - Washington Post,

"The discovery of the remains of 215 Indigenous children at a former residential school in British Columbia prompted outpourings of grief and questions as efforts to identify the students began," says this article from the Washington Post.

Big News Network,

"The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has directed States and union territories to submit data of all children, who have been orphaned or have lost one of their parents to Covid-19," says this article from Big News Network.

BBC News,

"North Korean state media has claimed that orphans are volunteering to work in state-run mines and farms," according to this article from BBC News.

Michelle Oliel - CNN,

"Orphanage volunteering and the industry that has emerged to support it have contributed to a system in Kenya and other parts of the world that creates a demand for institutions and children," writes Michelle Oliel of Stahili in this opinion piece for CNN.