Hong Kong

Displaying 2711 - 2720 of 14390

Supriya Sharma, Daphne Wong, John Schomberg, Chloe Knudsen-Robbins, David Gibbs, Carol Berkowitz, Theodore Heyming - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study was designed to explore whether the incidence of child maltreatment among patients presenting to a pediatric emergency department has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.


UNICEF in Vientiane, Lao PDR is looking for an Individual Consultancy to Finalize the Development of the Alternative Care Guidelines in Lao PDR and the Government Training Modules. 

Alicia Boatswain-Kyte, Nico Trocmé, Tonino Esposito & Elizabeth Fast - Journal of Public Child Welfare,

This study describes the challenges faced by a child protection agency and community organization who partnered to reduce the overrepresentation of Black children reported to the child protection agency through implementation of a parenting support program.

Rebecca Watts - Practice,

This paper reports on a small-scale, qualitative evaluation of an approach to working with children in care launched in Brighton and Hove called Me and My World. Core principles of the model are explained including continuity of relationship between social workers and children in care; a statutory review process which promotes participation of the child and young person and a recording system where social workers, IRO’s and foster carers write reports for review directly to the child.

Carla Sharp, Paulina Kulesz, Lochner Marais, Cilly Shohet, Kholisa Rani, Molefi Lenka, Jan Cloete, Salome Vanwoerden, Deborah Givon & Michael Boivin - Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology,

The authors of this study conducted a quasi-experimental feasibility trial in South Africa to adapt and evaluate an established year-long semi-structured, manualized video-feedback caregiver intervention (the Mediational Intervention for Sensitizing Caregivers; MISC) for community-based organizations (CBOs) to equip community-based careworkers with the skills to address the mental health needs of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).

Madeleine Wirzén, Asta Čekaitė - Qualitative Social Work,

In this study, the authors examine the structure and function of professional social workers’ follow-up questions in assessment talk with adoption applicants.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This webinar is part of the Alliance L&D Working Group webinar series on Child Protection Capacity Building Adaptations during COVID-19.

Tien Sy Pham, Haiying Qi, Dingxuan Chen, Huilin Chen, Fang Fan - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The authors of this study investigated the prevalence rates of childhood trauma, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms and suicidal behaviors among Vietnamese adolescents and compared the differences between institutionalized adolescents (IAs) and noninstitutionalized adolescents (NIAs). In addition, they examined the multidimensional associations between childhood trauma and psychopathology among IAs.

Greggory J. Cullen, Carolyn Yule, David Walters & William O’Grady - Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal,

This article exploresthe extent to which general strain theory (GST) and self-control theory can explain the mental health outcomes of youth in-care.

Rebecca K Jones, David Westlake - Qualitative Social Work,

This essay describes the impact of the pandemic on the authors' experiences as Independent Visitors (IVs) for children who are looked-after.