Hong Kong

Displaying 3911 - 3920 of 14392

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

The 31st edition of the Annie E. Casey Foundation's KIDS COUNT® Data Book describes how children across the United States were faring before the coronavirus pandemic began. As always, policymakers, researchers and advocates can continue using this information to help shape their work and build a stronger future for children, families and communities.

Inga Stünzner, Megan Hendry - ABC News,

This article from ABC News explores the stories of some of "the more than 500,000 so-called Forgotten Australians who suffered abuse and neglect while living in out-of-home care over the past century" and how they have found healing through "a storytelling project that helps participants reimagine their past and invent new ways to see their stories."

Sheila K. Marshall, Ashley Quinn, Grant Charles, Ally Jamieson - Children and Youth Services Review,

This investigation applied contextual action theory and action-project method to the study of foster coparenting and the integration of children into the family.

Quanquan Wang, Yuke Xiong, Xia Liu - Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior,

To explore the complex dynamics of parental migration on nonsuicidal self‐injury (NSSI), this study examined the roles of parent–child cohesion and socioeconomic status (SES) in the relationship between stressful life events and NSSI.

Vivek Sankaran - The Chronicle of Social Change,

In this piece for the Chronicle of Social Change, Vivek Sankaran writes about personal experience as a family defense lawyer and witnessing the racial disparity in the U.S. child welfare system, particularly in the racial bias in the discretion of child protective services (CPS) caseworkers.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

In this episode of the Protected! Podcast, Hani Mansourian and Joan Lombardi - director of Early Opportunities - talk about how responsive care and early childhood experiences shape a child’s development and future wellbeing within families and communities.

Joan Lombardi, Early Opportunities; Nada Elattar, UNICEF; Dr. Sweta Shah, Aga Khan Foundation,

This Call to Action outlines some of the impacts of both displacement and COVID-19 that are threatening the positive development of many young children around the world. It calls for governments and donors honor existing commitments, ensure inclusion of young children and families in public systems and take FIVE immediate actions.

Sandro Pitthan Espindola, Marcos Besserman Viana, Maria Helena Barros de Oliveira - SAÚDE DEBATE ,

The purpose of this article is to discuss whether adoption, in the form in which it is systematized in Brazil, by the National Adoption Register, may be the solution to the serious problem of child and adolescent in risky situations of care, especially those living in the state of Rio de Janeiro.


This webinar includes presentations from panelists in Latin America discussing early childhood programming in the region, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Violence against Children, and the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children,

The Global status report on preventing violence against children 2020 charts countries’ progress towards the SDGs aimed at ending violence against children.