Hong Kong

Displaying 4361 - 4370 of 14393

Naomi Pfitzner, Cathy Humphreys, & Kelsey Hegarty - Child & Family Social Work,

In this article, the authors draw on case study data from the Australian Baby Makes 3 (BM3) programme to explore factors that promote father engagement in parenting support programmes.

Philip Mendes, Jacqueline Z Wilson, Frank Golding - The British Journal of Social Work,

This article, an auto-ethnographic collaboration between a social work professional and two care leavers, aims to address the problems with records compiled by care workers, social workers and other relevant personnel by constructing a ‘virtual archive’ consisting of several hypothetical records compiled in the style typically employed by caseworkers, which are then critiqued by the care leavers.

Council of Europe,

"For far too many girls and boys, strict confinement in times of the COVID-19 risks increasing their vulnerability to violence, including sexual abuse and exploitation," says this press release from the Council of Europe.

Melissa Merrick PhD and Robert Sege MD, PhD - CNN,

"The increased stress we're seeing in families due to the virus can increase children's risk of abuse at the hands of their loved ones," says this article from CNN.

UNICEF and Religions for Peace,

On 7 April 2020, Religions for Peace (RfP) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) joined forces to launch a global Multi-Religious Faith-in-Action COVID-19 Initiative to raise awareness of the impacts of this pandemic on the world’s youngest citizens. 

International Federation of Social Workers,

This resource describes how the IFSW ethical principles can serve as a compass to guide social workers' deliberations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Kieran Walsh,

This book examines how child protection law has been shaped by the transition to late modernity and how it copes with the ever-changing concept of risk.

Global Protection Cluster: GBV Prevention and Response & Inter-Agency Standing Committee,

This document presents an initial summary of potential GBV risk mitigation actions, based on established good practice, that are starting points to address GBV risks in this unprecedented situation.

Tina Adkins, Samantha Reisz, Kaitlyn Doerge, Swetha Nulu - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study addressed three research questions: (1) What are ACE totals in this sample of foster parents and how do they compare with the original CDC-Kaiser study? (2) Does foster parents’ ACE exposure relate to foster child behavior? (3) Is the relation between foster parents’ ACEs and children’s challenging behaviors different based on the specific ACE?

Johan Vanderfaeillie, Laura Gypen, Delphine West, Frank Van Holen - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study aims at identifying characteristics of foster children, foster parents and foster placements associated with low satisfaction and high support needs.