Hong Kong

Displaying 5581 - 5590 of 14393

LVCT Health, Maestral International,

This Participants' Manual is part of the Integrating Violence Against Children Prevention and Response into HIV Services Training Package. It provides background information, tools and learning aids for participants.

LVCT Health, Maestral International,

This Facilitator Manual is part of the Integrating Violence Against Children Prevention and Response into HIV Services Training Package. It an overview of the workshop, detailed agenda, facilitation notes and training preparation tools.

LVCT Health, Maestral International,

This training seeks to equip health workers who have contact with children in HIV settings with the knowledge and skills to better integrate violence against children (VAC) services into their work.

Isabel De Bruin Cardoso, Lopa Bhattacharjee, Claire Cody, Joanna Wakia, Jade Tachie Menson & Maricruz Tabbia - Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies,

This article from the Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies journal presents lessons learned from a RISE Learning Network learning project focused on monitoring (M&E Learning Project) and aimed to generate understanding of approaches and tools that could effectively monitor children and families’ reintegration outcomes. The mid- and end-term reviews of the M&E Learning Project have captured lessons learned on how practitioners can approach monitoring of reintegration to mainstream it into their programme cycle.

UNICEF East Asia, Pacific Regional Office, Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

The first multi-country review of the social service workforce in the East Asia and Pacific region was prepared by the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance (GSSWA) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) with the support and contribution of many people throughout the region. This report is one of several regional reports being produced by GSSWA and UNICEF to increase the availability of information on the social service workforce, and provide a baseline from which to consider ongoing workforce strengthening initiatives.


This research is based on a stock-taking of the current situation. It is based on a comprehensive literature review and a genuine primary research with service users as well as policy makers, service providers, children and families.

Frank Seidel - Adieu-Ark-B Marketing on behalf of ReThink Orphanages,

This research gathers data on the volume of search queries that indicate an intention to do orphanage volunteering in a foreign country in order to gauge the pro-active demand for this type of volunteering in five different countries (Australia, France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America).


This edition of The State of the World’s Children report examines children, food and nutrition. It seeks to deepen understanding around the causes and consequences of children’s malnutrition in all its forms and to highlight how governments, business, families and other stakeholders can best respond.

Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR),

This report provides a brief analysis of social sector spending in Zambia.

Kathryn L. Humphreys, Laurel Gabard-Durnam, Bonnie Goff, Eva H. Telzer, Jessica Flannery, Dylan G. Gee, Valentina Park, Steve S Lee, Nim Tottenham - Development and Psychopathology,

For this study, friendship characteristics, social behaviors with peers, normed assessments of social problems, and social cue use were assessed in 142 children, of whom 67 were previously institutionalized (PI), and 75 were raised by their biological families.