Hong Kong

Displaying 6591 - 6600 of 14399

Hu Yan, Jindong Chen and Jing Huang - Frontiers in Psychiatry,

This study aimed to explore school bullying in LBC and examine the effectiveness of art therapy intervention for reducing bullying victimization affecting LBC in rural areas of China.

Xingxing Chen, Chenchen Zeng, Chun Gong, Lei Zhang, Yuhui Wan, Fangbiao Tao, Ying Sun - Psychoneuroendocrinology,

The objective of this study was to test the associations between parent-child separation with telomere length (TL) and psychopathology during adolescence.


UNICEF is seeking a national expert to provide technical support to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in strengthening of the foster care system in the country.


RIATT-ESA is seeking a consultant to conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature of current policies, practices and knowledge on social protection mechanisms for adolescents and young people in the East Africa Community (EAC) Partner States.

Ritu Mitra & Matthew Hodes - Child: Care, Health and Development,

As increasing numbers of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) are arriving in Europe, there is a need to investigate which factors promote psychological resilience and improve their mental health. This review aims to identify preventive post settlement influences, including living arrangements, access to mental health services and effective treatments that may improve mental health outcomes.

Nancy MacDonald - The Globe and Mail,

"In the Cowichan Valley, a growing network of mothers, advocates, midwives, doctors and elected officials is trying to take a different approach to address the ‘humanitarian crisis’ of Indigenous kids in care" in British Columbia, Canada, says this article from the Globe and Mail.

Mukesh Ranjan - The New Indian Express,

The licenses of 16 Child Care Institutions (CCI) in Jharkhand, India have been revoked "following a report submitted by the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCR) with a recommendation to take action against 31 such shelter homes in the State," according to this article from the New Indian Express.

Lieselot De Wilde, Jochen Devlieghere, Michel Vandenbroeck, Bruno Vanobbergen - Children and Youth Services Review,

This articles presents an analysis of 33 semi-structured interviews with foster families in Flanders, exploring the tensions between voluntaristic and professionalising tendencies in foster care.

Brooke Greenwood, Julia Mansour, Celia Winnett - Alternative Law Journal,

This article outlines the arguments made in recent litigation undertaken by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) on behalf of young people who requested access to legal audits conducted on their files by the New South Wales (NSW) Department of Family and Community Services (FACS).

Sandra Jee, Dena Phillips Swanson, Laurence I. Sugarman, Jean-Philippe Couderc - Developmental Child Welfare,

In this article, the authors reflect on a pilot project implementing a mindfulness-based stress reduction program among traumatized youth in foster and kinship care.