Hong Kong

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Chloe Setter - Thomson Reuters Foundation,

This video from the Thomson Reuters Foundation Trust Conference 2018 highlights the "actions" that participants can take to address the issues presented at the conference, particularly actions related to ending orphanage trafficking.

Thomson Reuters Foundation,

A panel event on orphanage trafficking was held at Thomson Reuters Foundation's Trust Conference 2018 on 14 November 2018. This video captures the discussions of that event, including a statement from one young care leaver from Nepal who told her story of being institutionalized in the country.

Thomson Reuters Foundation,

The Trust Conference 2018, hosted by Thomson Reuters Foundation, featured a conference theme on orphanage and trafficking. This video explains how orphanages have become a money-making industry which exploits children.

Dave S. Pasalich, Charles B. Fleming, Susan J. Spieker, Mary Jane Lohr, Monica L. Oxford - Child Maltreatment,

To better understand how and for whom parenting intervention may improve family outcomes in child welfare services, the authors examined whether parents’ own history of child abuse moderated the indirect effects of the Promoting First Relationships® (PFR) intervention on toddlers’ secure base behavior via parental sensitivity.

Emma Batha - Thomson Reuters Foundation,

"Orphanages have become a lucrative business in developing countries, leading to the trafficking of children to fill them," says this article from Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Susan Tregeagle, Lynne Moggach, Helen Trivedi, Harriet Ward - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper presents findings on the previous life experiences of an entire cohort of ‘difficult to place’ adoptees who were placed in Australia over 26 years.

Emma Batha - Thomson Reuters Foundation,

This article describes the efforts of Kate Van Doore and other advocates to push the Australian and UK governments to help end their countries' support of orphanages overseas.


UNICEF is seeking to recruit a legal expert to be placed in the MoLSS Department for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors to support the drafting of the required Ministerial Decisions as per Law 4554/2018 (Regulatory framework of Guardianship of unaccompanied children).


UNICEF is seeking to recruit an expert on Guardianship to EKKA to support the operationalization of the new Department on Guardianship.


UNICEF is seeking to recruit a social policy expert to be placed to the MoLSS Department for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors to support the drafting of SOPs for new care and protection modalities for UASC with a focus on Guardianship and Supported Independent Living (SIL).