Hong Kong

Displaying 7671 - 7680 of 14401

Maria Barbosa-Ducharne, Sylvie Marinho - Research on Social Work Practice,

The main goals of this study from the Special Issue on Adoption Breakdown of the journal of Research on Social Work Practice were to determine the incidence of preadoption breakdown in Portugal, describe preadoptive parents’ reasons for ending placement, compare intact/disrupted placements, and identify adoption disruption risk and protective factors.

NPR Morning Edition,

In this brief radio segment from NPR's Morning Edition, Noel King talks to Sherry Lachman, ex-adviser to U.S. Vice President Biden and founder of Foster America, about the challenges ahead as hundreds of migrant children are separated from their families and sent to foster care throughout the United States.

Agence France-Presse - South China Morning Post,

An investigation into an “orphanage of terror” in the north of Romania was launched this week by Romanian prosecutors, according to this article from South China Morning Post.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance and Terre des Hommes,

This webinar will review some of the initiatives developed for strengthening capacities of the frontline social service workers in supporting refugees and migrants to address child protection issues by Terre des Hommes and Child Protection Hub for South East Europe.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Frank Ainsworth and Patricia Hansen - Children Australia,

This article reviews developments in the Australian NSW child protection system which aim to reduce the number of children in state care.

Haylee K. DeLuca, Shannon E. Claxton, Manfred H. M. van Dulmen - Journal of Research on Adolescence,

This meta‐analytic review examines the presence and quality of close peer relationships for adoptees and individuals with foster care experience.

J. Jay Miller, Jacquelynn F. Duron, Jessica Donohue-Dioh, Jennifer M.Geiger - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study used Group Concept Mapping (GCM) with a sample of 31 foster youth and alumni to explicate a conceptual framework for effective legal representation.

Cora Bartelink, Erik J. Knorth, Mónica López López, Carien Koopmans, Ingrid J. Ten Berge, Cilia L.M. Witteman, Tom A. Van Yperen - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study focuses on workers’ rationales in placement decisions in child abuse cases in the Netherlands.

Julie Selwyn - Research on Social Work Practice,

The study from the Special Issue on Adoption Breakdown of the journal of Research on Social Work Practice investigated whether sibling relationships influenced the outcomes of a sample of adoptive placements in England and Wales that had broken down postorder or were in crisis.