Hong Kong

Displaying 8231 - 8240 of 14401

Kari Vik (KV), Vickfarajaeli Zebedayo Daudi (VZD), Lusajo Joel Kajula (LJK), Rolf Rohde (RR), Omary Said Ubuguyu (OSU), Joseph Ndukusi Saibulu (JNS) - Infancy and Caring,

This paper aims at describing how caregivers at an institution for motherless infants in rural Tanzania perceive infancy, caring and sensitivity in their everyday context.

Merav Jedwab, Anusha Chatterjee, Terry V. Shaw - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study presents findings from a survey of child welfare caseworkers' experiences with reunifications and focuses on practices and key factors at the casework practice and at the system-environment level to assist in achieving successful reunification.

Armeda Stevenson Wojciak, Bryan P. Range, Dumayi M. Gutierrez, Nathan A. Hough, Casey M. Gamboni - Journal of Family Issues,

This study analyzes semistructured interviews of 15 foster parents on how foster parents perceive the sibling relationships of youth in foster care and ways to promote these relationships.

Louise Tickle - The Guardian,

This article from the Guardian describes the lack of support that many kinship carers in the UK experience. 

Rise Learning Network,

In this webinar, Yashoda Upreti from Terre des hommes Foundation (Tdh), RISE member in Nepal, will share how the organization uses case management to provide a transparent monitoring and quality control system that facilitates a process to sustain actions to promote child protection, relying on teamwork and a strong child-centered approach.

Anouk Goemans, Mitch van Geel, Tom F. Wilderjans, Joost R. van Ginkel, Paul Vedder - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study reports the findings of a three-wave longitudinal study wherein the researchers examined the development of school engagement and analyzed which factors were predictive of school engagement in a sample of 363 Dutch foster children.

Christopher White - Crux,

The Holy See and other Catholic groups have called on the United Nations to ensure "an end to the detention of migrant and refugee children" as UN delegates negotiate on the Global Compact on Migration, according to this article from Crux.


UNICEF is seeking a Project Management Consultant in Child Protection. 

Jude Mary Cénat, Daniel Derivois, Martine Hébert, Laetitia Mélissande Amédée, Amira Karray - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This article aimed to investigate traumas experienced by street children and their coping and resilience strategies used to deal with adversities in a logic of survival, relying on a mixed method approach.

Rose Chahla & Rose Chahla - Journal of Social Work,

In this sample of 160 retained specially-trained public child welfare workers and former students, sources of stress and satisfaction were examined three and five years after the conclusion of the students’ work obligation.