Hong Kong

Displaying 8651 - 8660 of 14401

Nicoletta Pavesi and Giovanni Giulio Valtolina - The Twenty-third Italian Report on Migrations 2017,

In this chapter from the The Twenty-third Italian Report on Migrations 2017, the authors provide a picture of the presences and characteristics of the unaccompanied minors present in the EU countries, and in particular in Italy, to then illustrate the main innovations introduced by law 47, approved on 7 April 2017.

Helen James and David Lane - The International Journal of Children's Rights,

This article examines the practice of child-centered principles in the UK child protection and public child law systems.

Casey Family Programs,

The Community Opportunity Map is a tool that allows users to see localized indicators connected to community health and maltreatment prevention.

Ole Steen Kristensen - Aarhus University, Denmark,

This systematic review sought to address the lack of knowledge as to what creates setbacks and rejections during young people's transition out of care and how the youth may overcome influences of their foster care history and their experiences while in care.

Tara Callen - Columbia University Academic Commons,

This dissertation was an ethnographic narrative study tracking eight young women who were “aging out” or forced to leave their orphanage in Peru, where most of them had spent a majority of their lives. The study examined the way in which a collaborative art community could support the participants as they narrated their lives over a 16-month period of time through photojournaling and social media outlets.

Professor Brid Featherstone, Professor Anna Gupta, Sue Mills - BASW,

This report presents the findings of a UK national Enquiry into the role of the social worker in adoption with a focus on ethics and human rights.

Children’s Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth and Families ,

This Resource Guide was developed to support service providers in their work with parents, caregivers, and their children to prevent child abuse and neglect and promote child and family well-being.

Therese Boje Mortensen - Asia in Focus,

This study contributes to a body of scholarship on ‘localising children’s rights’ by presenting findings from an ethnographic case study of an institution for HIV-infected/affected children in Rajasthan, India.

Valentina Guerra, David Brindle - The European Social Network,

This report aims to address some common and key themes emerging from a questionnaire and in-person meeting to discuss the role of the social service workforce in the inclusion of migrant children and young people.

The Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts,

This document from the Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts lays out recommended actionable commitments for the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.