
Displaying 4521 - 4530 of 14391

UK Department for Education and Public Health England,

This guidance is to support the management of children and young people living in children's homes, residential special schools and colleges, and other residential facilities during the COVID-19 crisis.

Suzanne Hirt, Andrea Ball and Katie Wedell - USA Today,

"Hundreds of thousands of vulnerable U.S. children could face a heightened risk of abuse and neglect as coronavirus-related school closures keep them at home and away from the nation’s biggest group of hotline tipsters: educators," says this article from USA Today.

Leila Fadel - NPR,

This article from NPR accompanies a brief radio segment highlighting the difficulties faced by families with children in foster care during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the suspension of in-person visits between parents and their children. 


UNAIDS has consulted with the HIV and Human Rights Reference Group, experts from civil society, academia and public health and other United Nations agencies to identify key learnings from the HIV response that are critical in ensuring an evidence-informed and effective response to an epidemic.

Marjorie Pajaron, Cara T. Latinazo, Enrico G. Trinidad - Global Labor Organization (GLO),

This paper aims to provide a better understanding of the impact of parental migration on the welfare of left-behind children in the Philippines so that policies can be devised to support them.

Robin C. Han, Christopher K. Owen, Corey C. Lieneman, Cheryl B. McNeil - The Open Family Studies Journal,

Preliminary findings from studies using abbreviated formats of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) suggest effectiveness of such adaptations in reducing externalizing behavior in foster children and maintaining behavioral improvements several months after the end of the treatment.

Claire Parker - International Journal of Social Pedagogy,

This paper offers some insight into the benefits, impacts and challenges of the ‘creative mentor’ role. It links to a social pedagogy framework, supporting practice, and draws on creative mentors’ work with children and young people living in care. It aims to inform professionals and teams around a child about the transforming nature of working with creativity – beyond the obvious external experiences.

Raymond V. Gutterswijk, Chris H. Z. Kuiper, Navisha Lautan, Elsemieke G. Kunst, Frank C. P.van der Horst, Geert Jan J. M. Stams, Children and Youth Services Review,

This multilevel meta-analysis compared the outcomes of Treatment Foster Care Oregon for Adolescents (TFCO-A) and home-based treatment programs (HBT) with residential youth care for children and youth aged 0 to 23 years.

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

This paper from the Annie E. Casey Foundation provides guidance for state child welfare agencies on what to consider when developing a preventive practice model that aligns with the requirements of Family First, addresses the unique needs of families within local communities and ensures that selected programs and practices are feasible to implement with quality.

Josephine Holland, Kapil Sayal, Alexandra Berry, Chelsea Sawyer, Pallab Majumder, Panos Vostanis, Marie Armstrong, Caroline Harroe, David Clarke, Ellen Townsend - Child and Adolescent Mental Health,

For this study, one hundred and twenty‐six 11–21 year olds (53 who had experience of the care system and 73 who did not) were recruited from the community and NHS. All participants had self‐harmed in the past 6 months. Participants completed an Audio Computer‐Assisted Self‐interview (ACASI) regarding their views about the support they had received, how helpful it was, and what further help they felt they needed.