
Displaying 4691 - 4700 of 14391

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO),

The Accelerator Academy is a 2-year certificate program developed by the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) that combines in-person instruction, remote learning, and mentored practicum with some of the world's leaders in deinstitutionalization.

David Foster - The House of Commons Library,

This briefing gives a very broad overview of the legislative framework for child protection in England.

David Foster - UK House of Commons Library,

This briefing provides information on two separate but related topics concerning looked after children in England: out of area and distant placements and unregulated and unregistered accommodation

Nguyen Thi Thai Lan - International Social Work,

This article reports a part of a qualitative study to address the questions of what and how international organizations have been engaging in the professionalization of social work services for disadvantaged children in Vietnam, taking five international organizations as the unit of analysis.

Marta Casonato, Ana Muntean, Paola Molina - International Social Work,

This study examined the behavioral adjustment of 52 Romanian adolescents domestically adopted.

Barbara Kail, Manoj Pardasani, Robert Chazin - International Social Work,

This article describes the impact on social services of an innovative model of family care in Moshi, Tanzania, aimed at orphaned children and youth who are affected by HIV/AIDS and their caregivers.

Li Duan, Gang Zhu - The Lancet,

In this comment, the authors have suggested ways that the Chinese government could establish and improve the intervention system based on sound scientific advice, to effectively deal with the mental health problems caused by public health emergencies.

Huifeng Shi, Jingxu Zhang, Yufeng Du, Chunxia Zhao, Xiaona Huang and Xiaoli Wang - BMC Public Health,

This study examined the association between parental migration and early childhood nutrition of left-behind children (LBC) in rural China.

Kwabena Frimpong-Manso, Ishmael Tagoe, Stella Mawusi Mawutor - Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development,

This qualitative research explored the motivations and challenges of foster parents in Accra, Ghana.

Helen Clark, Awa Marie Coll-Seck, et al - The Lancet Commissions,

This WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commission lays the foundations for a new global movement for child health that addresses the two crises of climate change and predatory commercial exploitation, and presents high-level recommendations that position children at the centre of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).