
Displaying 5051 - 5060 of 14391

R.B. Salmorbekova & K. Karimova - Society and Security Insights,

This article presents analyses of the main causes of the increase in the number of social orphans in Kyrgyzstan.

Patrick Premand & Oumar Barry - The World Bank,

This paper disentangles the effects of behavioral change promotion from cash transfers to poor households through an experiment embedded in a government program in Niger.

Evan Harris - CHLB Scholarship,

The author of this article argues that "by authorizing the rapid expulsion of vulnerable persons despite limited epidemiological justification as well as clear legal alternatives, the order stands as a gross violation of the United States’ historical policy to welcome and protect those seeking refuge at our borders."

Save the Children Australia,

This guide aims to build Save the Children staff capacity through the provision of mentoring to Save the Children staff, funded partner organisations, staff and volunteers, including field coordinators, child and youth group leaders, community mentors and facilitators.

Laura Horvath, Elli Oswald, and Allison Coble - Faith to Action Initiative, in partnership with Changing the Way We Care,

This study seeks to map the landscape of support for transitioning residential care centers, specifically considering organizations or individuals who are providing or could provide assistance through on-the-ground, individualized coaching or technical support.

Youth in Focus,

This Module explores how cognitive and social-emotional abilities operate in youth’s daily experience and personal lives and what we can do to help young people develop and strengthen these skills in order to thrive.

The Guatemalan Secretariat for Social Welfare (SBS), Attorney General (PGN), UNICEF, and Changing the Way We Care,

Esta infografia demuestra el proceso de integración de niños, niñas, y adolescentes (NNA) en familias de acogimiento temporal en Guatemala durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

M.G. Venkatesh Mannar and Dr Renata Micha - Independent Expert Group of the Global Nutrition Report,

This year’s Global Nutrition Report examine the global burden of malnutrition with an equity lens to develop a fuller understanding of nutrition inequalities. In doing this, the report pinpoints and prioritises key actions to amplify efforts and propel progress towards ending malnutrition in all its forms.

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

This one-page factsheet from the Annie E. Casey Foundation makes the case for supporting kinship care during the COVID-19 pandemic and offers suggestions on how to support kin families, find funding to support these families, and embark on new partnerships.

Food Security Information Network (FSIN),

The 2020 edition of The Global Report on Food Crises describes the scale of acute hunger in the world, including for vulnerable children.