
Displaying 3391 - 3400 of 14433

Judy Havlicek - Children and Youth Services Review,

This systematic review synthesizes information about the relationships aging out foster youth have with their birth or stepparents after legally mandated separations in foster care.

Xiaojing Li, Jeremy W. Coid, Wanjie Tang, Qiuyue Lv, Yamin Zhang, Hua Yu, Qiang Wang, Wei Deng, Liansheng Zhao, Xiaohong Ma, Yajing Meng, Mingli Li, Huiyao Wang, Ting Chen, Wanjun Guo & Tao Li - European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,

To investigate psychopathological consequences for university students who were left-behind children (LBC) and to estimate the effects of one or both parents being migrants, the duration of left-behind experience, and parental absence during critical periods of growth on psychiatric morbidity, the authors of this study conducted an annual survey of all freshmen at a Chinese university from 2014 to 2018.

Fan Yang and Xiaoli Liu - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study aims to explore the associations between grandparenting styles and childhood depression, as well as the mediating role of childhood food insecurity on the focal associations among Chinese rural left-behind children.

Judy Havlicek - Children and Youth Services Review,

This systematic review synthesizes information about the relationships aging out foster youth have with their birth or stepparents after legally mandated separations in foster care.

Chantal Cyr, Karine Dubois-Comtois, Daniel Paquette, Leonor Lopez, Marc Bigras - Child Maltreatment,

Two parenting capacity assessment (PCA) protocols, with a short parent-child intervention embedded in each protocol, evaluated the potential for enhanced parenting to orient child placement decision.

Xi Du - China Journal of Social Work ,

This study employed a life-course perspective to reveal the dynamic developmental trajectories and concealed protective factors among college students with left-behind experience.

Sarah McDermott - BBC News,

"About 10,000 young people move out of the care system in the UK every year," says this article from BBC News. "For some there's a sudden cut-off with little support on the other side." In the article, Kim Emenike describes her experience of what has been described as a "care cliff".

Rebecca Woods - BBC News,

This article from BBC News tells the stories of people who experienced abuse in childhood at the hands of the head teacher at Brookside School for Maladjusted Children, a boarding school in Shropshire, UK, in the 1960s and 70s.

Megan Cassidy - The San Francisco Chronicle,

"The U.S. government’s policy of separating migrant children from their families at the southern border is 'cruel, inhuman,' and 'rises to the level of torture,' according to a new academic article authored by a slate of doctors throughout the country," says this article from the San Francisco Chronicle.

Laurie C. Miller, Ellen Pinderhughes, Marie-Odile Pérouse de Montclos, et al - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study explored the feelings, perceptions, and stigma experienced by families of internationally adopted children with special needs.