
Displaying 4791 - 4800 of 14437

Maria Lotty, Audrey Dunn-Galvin, Eleanor Bantry-White - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Fostering Connections program, a newly developed trauma-informed care program within the national child welfare agency in Ireland.

Royel M. Johnson, Terrell L. Strayhorn, Bridget Parler - Children and Youth Services Review,

In this study, the authors drew on qualitative data gathered during in-depth focus groups with 46 high school youth in foster care. The goal of this research was to center and amplify the often-unheard voices of youth in foster care and their experiences in high school.

Johanna Caldwell & Vandna Sinha - Child Indicators Research,

In this article, the authors examine theoretical and legislative conceptualizations of child neglect in terms of their relationship to the disproportionate involvement of Indigenous children in child welfare across Canada and, more specifically, in Quebec.

Linda Solem, Clive Diaz, Lauren Hill - Journal of Children's Services,

This study examined 20 recent serious case reviews that had taken place in England where neglect was a feature. The purpose of this study is to explore the barriers which exist for social workers in England in identifying and responding to neglect in a timely, appropriate and effective manner.

The Brain Architects Podcast - Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

This episode of The Brain Architects explores what “toxic stress” means, and what we can do about it.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Emily DeLacey, Cally Tann, Nora Groce, Maria Kett, Michael Quiring, Ethan Bergman, Caryl Garcia and Marko Kerac - PeerJ,

This review from PeerJ aimed to evaluate currently available data on the nutrition status of children living within institutionalized care.

Seunghee Baeg, Boram Lee, Hye Jun Park - Children and Youth Services Review,

In this study, the authors aim to help clarify the pathway from parental supervisory neglect to peer victimization through the mediating roles of self-esteem and internalizing problems among adolescents in South Korea.

Nicole Kratky & Michela Schröder-Abé - Child & Family Social Work,

In this study, the authors extracted information about children's statements from court file data of 220 child protection cases in Germany.

Dan Vevers - STV News,

This article from STV describes the history of the Independent Scottish Care Review, including the advocacy of looked-after young people featured in a STV documentary whose efforts led, in part, to the call for the Independent Review.