
Displaying 14461 - 14470 of 14481

The Uruguayan Network for the Right to Live in a Family and a Community (Red por el Derecho a la Convivencia Familiar y Comunitaria) was launched in April 2012 with support from RELAF and UNICEF.

BCN Netherlands (BCNN) was formed by international nongovernmental organizations and donors in the Netherlands with the aim of raising awareness about appropriate forms of alternative care among the Dutch groups and organizations.

The Taskforce is a body promoting non-institutional forms of child care system in the State of Orissa.

Alternative Care Initiatives is a small NGO established to respond to the growing need in Uganda to support government and civil society organisations to develop and implement Alternative Care solutions.

The Government of Ghana's Care Reform Initiative and ongoing efforts to move away from resdidential care for children.

RELAF is the Latin American Foster Care Network, for the right to community and family- based care for children and adolescents.

The Opening Doors campaign operates at EU level and in 12 countries across Europe, calling on the EU and national governments to prioritize the transition from institutional to family-based care. 

The Transformative Monitoring for Enhanced Equity (TransMonEE) Database captures a vast range of data relevant to social and economic issues relevant to the situation and wellbeing of children, young people and women in countries of Central Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of independent States (CEE/CIS).  

UNICEF's Regional Office for Central, Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (RO CEE/CIS) coordinates and supervises UNICEF’s work in 22 countries and entities to ensure that no child is left out in our efforts to realize their rights.

The Faith to Action Initiative began as the BCN Faith-Based Organization (FBO) Committee. The overarching aim of the BCN FBO Committee was to dialogue with churches, organizations, and leaders in the faith community for the purpose of promoting better practices in regards to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).