
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 44.86 million
  • Population under 15: 42%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 62 years
  • Human Development Index: 145 out of 188
  • World Bank Status: Lower Middle Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 5.3%
  • Mean Household Composition: 3.9 members
  • Female-Headed Households: 32%
  • Early Marriage (% of girls married by 15 years): 29%

Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2014

Displaying 10941 - 10950 of 14393

James Bell Associates,

This three-part video series shows how a fictional organization, Greene County Department of Human Services, set out to improve permanency for children and youth by increasing the number of available foster and adoptive homes using data-driven decision making (DDDM).

MacDonald, M., Hayes, D., & Houston, S. - Families, Relationships and Societies,

This article presents a comprehensive, narrative review of international, research literature on informal, kinship care.

UNICEF Cambodia,

This brief from UNICEF Cambodia describes UNICEF's plans and programs regarding child protection.

Fry, D., Hodzi, C. and T. Nhenga - Ministry of Public Services, Labour and Social Welfare,

This report highlights key findings from a social norms study conducted in Zimbabwe to understand the drivers of violence affecting children.

Kwabena Frimpong-Manso - Residential child and youth care in a developing world: Global perspectives, First Edition,

In this chapter of Residential child and youth care in a developing world: Global perspectives, First Edition, the reader is introduced to residential care in Ghana.

Hope and Homes for Children,

This policy paper from Hope and Homes for Children calls on all the stakeholders that play a role in developing, running, supporting or influencing national care systems to join forces in a collaborative action to eradicate institutional care once and for all.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

This guidance from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides information and suggestions for helping children who experience traumatic separation from a caregiver.

Beth Bradford, Kerry Olson, Sarah Gesiriech, and Daphne Fowler - Faith to Action Initiative,

Le présent Manuel d’orientation fournit des informations et des outils utiles pour les églises, les organisations confessionnelles, les donateurs et autres acteurs qui font passer la garde des enfants du placement en institution au placement en famille.

Beth Bradford, Kerry Olson, Sarah Gesiriech, and Daphne Fowler - Faith to Action Initiative,

Este Manual de Orientación provee información y herramientas útiles para iglesias, organizaciones religiosas, donantes y otros que persiguen transferir el cuidado de niños que son atendidos en residencias al cuidado en una familia.

Opening Doors for Europe's Children,

This fact sheet provides an overview of the numbers of children in institutional care in Greece.