
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 44.86 million
  • Population under 15: 42%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 62 years
  • Human Development Index: 145 out of 188
  • World Bank Status: Lower Middle Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 5.3%
  • Mean Household Composition: 3.9 members
  • Female-Headed Households: 32%
  • Early Marriage (% of girls married by 15 years): 29%

Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2014

Displaying 11241 - 11250 of 14393

United States Government Accountability Office,

In this report, the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) examined (1) the reasons adoptive families consider unregulated child custody transfers, and services that exist to support these families before they take such an action; (2) what is known about the prevalence of these transfers; and (3) actions selected states and federal agencies have taken to address such transfers. 

Henley Business School, University of Reading, Reading, UK,

This interdisciplinary symposium aims to explore family relations, care and ‘troubles’ in diverse contexts

Better Care Network,

This country brief provides an overview of data on children’s living arrangements in Zambia, extracted from the 2013-14 DHS survey. 

Better Care Network,

This country brief provides an overview of data on children’s living arrangements in Uganda, extracted from the 2011 DHS survey. 

Better Care Network,

This country brief provides an overview of data on children’s living arrangements in Tanzania extracted from the 2010 DHS survey.

Better Care Network,

This country brief provides an overview of data on children’s living arrangements in Swaziland, extracted from the MICS 4 (2010) survey. 

Better Care Network,

This country brief provides an overview of data on children’s living arrangements in Nigeria, extracted from the 2013 DHS survey. 

Better Care Network,

This country brief provides an overview of data on children’s living arrangements in Kenya, extracted from the 2003 DHS survey. 

Better Care Network,

This country brief provides an overview of data on children’s living arrangements in Ethiopia, extracted from the 2011 DHS survey. 

Better Care Network,

This country brief provides an overview of data on children’s living arrangements in Burundi, extracted from the 2010 DHS survey.