
Displaying 5091 - 5100 of 14391

Global Detention Project,

This platform reports how countries are responding to the Covid-19 pandemic in their migration control policies as well as calls by independent monitoring bodies, NGOs, and human rights institutions demanding measures to safeguard migrants and asylum seekers, including unaccompanied migrant children.

Ahmet Ozaslan and Nuran Demir - The Archives of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions,

This study examines the mental health symptoms of children in institutional care in Ankara, Turkey and possible factors that may cause these symptoms.

UNICEF Europe and Central Asia,

This post from the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia website describes how UNICEF is mobilizing to protect marginalized and vulnerable children – including those with disabilities – against the impact of COVID 19 in the region.

World Vision,

This research was conducted in March and April 2020 to explore children and young people’s reflections and perceptions on the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS,

This webpage features a selection of materials which the Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS have found to be useful.

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

Esta infografía explica los conceptos básicos de lo que es COVID-19 y lo que puede significar para los niveles de estrés en niños como en adultos que los cuidan.

Xueqi Qu, Xi Wang, Xiaona Huang, Ashish KC, Yuning Yang, Yue Huang, Chunyi Chen, Yaqing Gao, Yinping Wang, Hong Zhou - Journal of Global Health,

The present study aims to explore the specific influence of migrant mothers on early child development, especially on social-emotional problems.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

Este recurso lo ayudará a comprender cómo el brote de una enfermedad infecciosa podría afectar a su familia, tanto física como emocionalmente, y lo que puede hacer para ayudar a su familia a sobrellevarlo.

Alfonso Ortega Giménez & Lerdys Heredia Sánchez,

The purpose of this article is to perform a critical analysis of the procedure for determining the age of unaccompanied foreign minors in Spain and the detrimental effects that may arise from establishing the legal status of these minors.

Consortium for Street Children,

This page from the Consortium for Street Children website explores how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting street-connected children and features documents from the Consortium, including explanatory notes on COVID-19 and street-connected children’s rights, and other resources.