
Displaying 6041 - 6050 of 14390

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO),

This webinar was presented by the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) to offer guidance on transitioning donors away from funding orphanages and toward supporting family strengthening and family-based care.

Lisa Merkel‐Holguin, Laura Schwab‐Reese, Ida Drury, Heather Allan, Dana Hollinshead - Child & Family Social Work,

As part of a 3‐year US federal project of family group conferences (FGCs) in one jurisdiction, this study collected fidelity data from professional and family member participants of FGCs, including children and young people. Descriptive data from a small sample of child and young people participating in FGC suggest differences in their perspectives regarding family empowerment, transparency, and inclusion in decision making, when compared with the perspectives of other family members and professionals for whom data are available.

Susan Collings, Amy Conley Wright, Margaret Spencer, Betty Luu - Child & Family Social Work,

There is little Australian research on the factors that influence decisions to adopt children from out‐of‐home care. This paper presents a mixed methods study that was conducted to address this gap.

Emelie Shanks, Ulf Jonsson, Stefan Wiklund, Alexander Rozental - Child & Family Social Work,

In this article the authors attempt to disentangle different aspects of potentially harmful care for looked after children, as well as to discuss potential pathways to more systematically approach and report adverse events for this group.

Haining Liao, Minyi Pan, Weinan Li, Changqi Lin, Xuhao Zhu, Xingru Li, Jinghua Li, Shudong Zhou - BMJ Open,

This study sought to identify the heterogeneous characteristics of rural left-behind children’s anxiety and explore the related factors through a cross-sectional survey using a school-based sample in January 2018 in Qingxin district, Qingyuan city, Guangdong province, China. 

Laura Ferrari, Claudia Manzi, Veronica Benet-Martinez, Rosa Rosnati - Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,

A study carried out in Italy based on a sample group of young immigrants (N = 168) and intercountry adoptees (N = 160) tests a model in which social (perceived discrimination) and family factors (parental autonomy support) predict psychological well-being.

Louise Hill, Robbie Gilligan, Graham Connelly - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper sets out to explore why formal kinship care has emerged in such a marked way in recent decades by investigating the emergence and development of formal kinship care in two neighboring jurisdictions in Europe where it now accounts for a substantial proportion of all care placements in Scotland and Ireland.

Sara Miller Llana - Christian Science Monitor,

This article from the Christian Science Monitor explores the history of child removals and family separations of Indigenous families in Canada, and what Indigenous communities are doing now to break the cycle.

W. J. Hennigan - Time,

"The Trump Administration is assessing whether military bases in Oklahoma, Montana and Georgia are suitable to shelter immigrant children who are apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border without an adult relative," according to this article from Time.

Casey Family Programs,

This Casey Family Programs issue brief looks at the use of peer mentors (“parent partners”) who work with parents entering in and engaging with the child welfare system.